Chapter 2

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I didn't understand why but I had always felt strangely attracted to Leo. He was super-hot with light brown hair that would reach his forehead if he left it down but he usually liked to gel it up. I didn't stand a chance with him though; I was ugly and fat according to pretty much anyone I have ever known in the last six years. Trust me Leo has reminded me of that way too many times.

He was the captain and quarterback of the football team at our high school and he and the rest of his teammates and jocks were always set on making my life a living hell. The cheerleading team also joined in on the "fun" and now it has become a part of their daily routine.

Whenever they would see me in the hallways they would shove me into the lockers . . . really hard. I'm surprised they know how to shove that forcefully. It must be because they do it everyday . . . every day and just to me.

The jocks and Leo had, from the minute I get to school until the bell signalling the beginning of the school day, the whole lunch period and after the school day was over. They would do nasty stuff like write crap on my locker or slam me into those huge disgusting blue trash bins at the back of the school. They were always coming up with crude things to say and do to me.

I had once been an exceedingly exceptional student getting practically 100% in every subject until I started coming home smelling like a homeless person or with a black eye. By the time I had my self-cleaned up I would have no time for any school work and so I would just eat dinner and then pass out dead the second my head hit the pillow.

I lived alone. I don't remember why I do but six years ago I left my family to accomplish something. I haven't seen or spoken to them since. I would be lying to say that I didn't miss them but I knew that I would see them soon. My six years were almost up. I would be able to return and finally get away from this hell hole. But sadly, until them I'm still stuck here in this torturous place.

I had long ago given up on what everyone else thought about me, I was always too sleep deprived to do homework, let alone make-up or shopping for much more than just the essential groceries.

This morning I had rolled out of bed brushed my hair quickly and blindly picked out a few articles of clothes to put on. A pair of neon green and orange pants that were in a zigzag pattern, 1 purple sock that had a big hole causing my toes to hang out of it and a sweatshirt I had gotten from a local band exhibition. I think it was safe to say I looked like a mess.

I had managed to avoid Leo and his gang, and I made sure to eat lunch in Mr. Benxi, English detention for cursing out at a failed test I had received.

After the bell for the last period was done I was feeling a little better than I had been in a long time. Maybe I could actually go without someone harassing me for one day!

Obviously I spoke to soon because as soon as I opened my locker to get my bag a terrible smell hit my nose and soon I was covered in a disgusting, warm, brown substance. I heard laughing all around me and looked up to see every one of my harassers staring at me in disgust and laughing their freaking heads off. Some of the guys were even rolling around on the floor because they were laughing so hard. I saw Leo from the corner of my eyes. I turned my head so I could see him better and when I did I thought I saw regret and sadness in his eyes but as soon as I spotted it, it was gone only to be replaced by mockery.

"What was that for," I yelled angrily.

"We were trying to be considerate," one of the girls sneered. She was wearing a see-through shirt that grossed me out immensely. I sure as hell didn't need to see her barely there leopard print bra thing she was wearing.

I looked at her confused until one of the outfielders on the football team cleared it up for me and truly made me realize what it was exactly that I was covered in.

"We wanted to make you feel more at home you fat cow," he laughed.

I shuttered and screamed. I WAS COVERED IN COW MANURE! That was beyond disgusting and to top things off, everything I was wearing - not that they were very nice in the first place - were ruined along with everything that was in my locker.

I looked at Leo with tears forming in my eyes and threatening to break loose. He looked at me and stopped laughing, he took a deep breath and seemed like he was struggling with himself before he sighed and just turned around and left.


That's what I wanted to scream but I was too scared to open my mouth in fear of the manure landing in it and what the others would do to me if I said the things that were on my mind. I quickly grabbed my bag that was now brown instead of its original green color and washed up in the school lavatory before heading to my make shift basement apartment.

I got to the door of my home only to realize that it was already unlocked I always lock the doors ever since I had been robbed three years ago. Suspiciously I slowly opened it and carefully walked in. I tried to be extra quiet as to not disturb my visitor that I was certain I had.

There were no lights on and I finally came to the conclusion that I was just paranoid when I heard a loud bang from the kitchen followed by some profanities that should not be repeated.

I grabbed the closest thing in arms reach which was a lamp that had pink and purple stars on it. I don't know why I had bought the lamp in the first place. I guess it was just the cheapest thing the store had and it never failed me or refused to do his job by giving me light in the darkest parts of the room.

I started speeding to the kitchen and turned the light on quickly. What I saw made me drop the light. My jaw must have been on the floor with how low it was hanging and I could just imagine the look of shock and disbelief that was sprawled across my face.


Who do you think is in her kitchen?

:{) Mr. Mustachio

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