Chapter 9

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 *Slightly edited*


"I can't believe this!" I said while storming in to Dexter's room where both Dev and Dexter were sitting on the black bed playing a card game. When I stormed in I must have startled Dex because cards where flying every direction and a big BAAM! noise could be heard. Once the cards floated to the ground, Dex was no longer on the bed. I looked at Dev but she just shrugged. I walked around the bed and looked down, sure enough Dex was lying there face down with a grunt.

"What are you doing down there?" I asked with a smirk. My bad mood was put behind for the short moment.

"Shut up," he groaned while taking his time to get up.

I heard Dev cough something that sounded a lot like, "loser" under her breath. I chuckled, silently agreeing with her. Don't take it the wrong way, we love Dex to death but it was still amusing to poke fun at him.

Once Dexter had gotten back onto the bed he didn't look too happy and his forehead had a big red mark on it from slamming into the floor. For humans the pain of smashing your head that hard might last around an hour but because we are werewolves, that pain would only last for a few minutes at at the most. Even though it wouldn't hurt anymore, Dex still looked funny as hell with a big red mark on his forehead. I wasn't the only one that found it amusing either because I could see Dev cracking up as well.

"What?" Dex asked completely oblivious to the huge mark on his head. He was looking between us confused as if it were some sort of inside joke that was causing our laughter.

"I-It's No-nothing," I said trying to reassure him and stop my laughter but failing miserable at both.

After maybe ten minutes of Dev and I trying to stifle our laughter while Dex just watched us still confused, I had finally calmed down.

“So what was it that you came her in a fit of fury for?” Dev asked.

Suddenly my cheery mood went bye-bye and my pissed off sad one replaced it.

“I found my mate today,” I started.

Dexter jumped up to her feet. That’s AMAZING! You have to tell me all about it. Who is he? Is he one of the Alpha’s from the meeting? On a scale from one to ten how hot is he?”

Dev raised her eyebrow at Dexter, “did you realize just how gay you sounded there?”

“Hey, there is nothing wrong with being gay. In fact lots of men are. They have the right idea of how to live their life, when you’re gay you don’t have to deal with a moody girl once every month and a controlling one for the rest of that month. Gay men sure know what they are doing.”

“Hey,” Devin exclaimed giving him a light punch.

“Anyways, Dex is right, tell us why finding your mate makes you soo sour.” Dev said while turning back to me.

I took a deep breath,” Dev you know how when I was still in the process of becoming the queen’s successor? I told you about a crush I had on this kid named Leo but we would never be together because he hated my guts for no reason and made my life hell? Yeah, well turns out he’s not a human at all. He is a werewolf, an Alpha werewolf to be exact. Oh and he is my mate!” I said frustrated.

Devin's expression turned into a thoughtful one and you could almost see the gears turning in her head trying to fit this and that together.

"Why would he do that if he was your mate?" Dexter asked, still trying to peace together everything. I hadn't told him everything about my life before, only Devin (and the queen I guess) had been filled in on everything. I have mentioned to Dex a little bit about Leo, but I had never gone into much depth.

"I don't know, he claims to have been protecting me," I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"From what," Devin finally said, coming back from her little state. It wasn't as much of a question as it was a statement.

“Protecting me from the werewolf life or something.”

“And what a good job he did at it,” Dev said sarcastically.

“Whatever the point is that I ran into him in the hallways and we had an . . . interesting little talk.”

“What about?” Dexter asked.

“Well basically to sum it all up, he didn’t want me before because he thought I was a human. Now that I’m going to be queen he wants me back.”

“No offense but your mate seems sort of like a bastard.”

“Non taken,” I replied. In all truth, from what I have known and seen about Leo, he didn’t seem very nice. For the year that I had gone to the same school as him, he had never been very nice to anyone that wasn’t in his group of buddies.

 "You can't just let him be a gold digger," Dev said.

I sighed, "I know and that's what I tried telling him. If he wanted me he should have treated me better. As they say, what goes around comes back around."

Dev opened her mouth to say something but Dexter cut her off before she could make a sound. "That's not enough, men can be very persistent, trust me. Make him beg for you, make him fall to his knees and surrender to you. Make him regret ever doing anything to you."

"I know exactly what to do!" Dev said excitedly. "It just came to me all of  sudden and it's perfect!"

I chuckled slightly, but it was only very slightly because I was still in a bad mood from discovering Leo was my mate. "Ok Dev what is it?"

"You have to get revenge on Leo for rejected and hurting you!"

I saw Dexter from the corner of my eyes throw his hands up in the air. After all that was exactly what he was trying to say before.

"I'm brilliant arn't I?" Dev said still happy about 'her' answer to what we should do. 

"Yeah you're just a genius," Dex muttered.

"I know thank you!" Dev replied with a big smile. She was oblivious to the fact that she wasn't the one to actually come up with that answer, but it was going to remain that way. Why? Well it may be due to the fact that Devin can be really scary when someone bursts her bubble. Whenever it came a time to burst that bubble, we would usually pay someone to tell her for us.

But either way, the idea of revenge kind of works for me. 

Leo watch out, here I come, I thought to myself with a glint of evil.


Pic on the side is what Callie more or less looks like

(sorry for the not so long chapter but I've been really busy with the holidays)

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy Holidays!

Dedication goes to my friend crazyemochick56 please check her out.

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