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Mercedes Jeanette Lévesque Alba— I repeated my name several times in my mind; I wasn't going to let the stranger know my real name.

Louise had warned me not to. Moreover, on a scale of zero to weird— my name was weird.

At first, I thought that she was jesting; but she was utterly correct— the people on that particular website were way too harrowing to be forthright to.

I tapped on the icon of his KIK account in order to take a clearer view. As I had anticipated, his picture did not show his face— oh, joy. It was of himself in a tight, blue jean shirt, which looked quite familiar to me– however, I wasn't able to recognise it completely.

JackieA_ : Heyy ;)

The reply came almost instantly, which made me chortle. Although I had never seen the man; and he could easily be a forty year old in disguise, I was blushing— the reason being him.

Daddypk : hello, baby girl.

JackieA_ : nice profile picture ;) I love your shirt.

Daddypk: oh, believe me. You'll love so much more than just my shirt.

JackieA_ : cocky much? ;)

JackieA_ : I wonder how you look like?!

Daddypk : patience is the key, baby girl. I'm pretty sure I won't disappoint.

JackieA_ : :( you're literally so evasive

Daddypk : well, it's not like I know how you look like.

I recalled how I had changed my icon to that of Dan Reynolds, from Imagine Dragons— firstly, because I love him; and secondly because I did not want oversexed pedophiles to send me inappropriate messages.

JackieA_ : patience is the key, baby boy. ;)

Daddypk : you're interesting. I like you. ;)

JackieA_ : you'll do much more than just 'like' ;)

Daddypk : I know ;)

JackieA_ : So, do you trade?

Daddypk : you're one, eager soul.

He was right, I was eager— eager to excavate the theories of trading nudes; eager to be mature enough, eager to be spoiled rotten.

JackieA_ : guess so ;)

Daddypk : you haven't traded pictures before, what makes you so confident?

JackieA_ : How do you know that?

Daddypk : I can tell, baby girl. Try me.

JackieA_ : you're creeping me out now..

I jolted upwards, as a sudden monotonous tone pierced the thin air in the room. It was Mr. Piqué's cellphone— or rather, some exorbitantly priced device that probably was a mini version of Tony Stark's JARVIS.

He excused himself, before standing up on his feet and pacing towards the doorway whilst tapping the screen of his phone and holding it up to his right earlobe.

I heaved a sigh, whilst gluing my eyes on the extremely enticing Spaniard— the way he husked into the cellular device, the way he stood, the way he looked— basically, him. He clearly defined sheer perfection.

I shook my head, before glancing down at my own phone. My pikachu hadn't replied yet; and it had already been a minute— sixty seconds of ogling Gerard Piqué Bernabeu, for me.

My lips formed an automatic frown when I noticed that the stranger had left me on read— quite rude. Reasoning that I must've offended him, I quickly typed an apology.

JackieA_ : You there? I'm sorry, I didn't really mean to offend you. :(

JackieA_ : I'm truly sorry.

The tiny 'D' sign next to the message bubble was faded, which could only mean two things— he was either offline, or he had blocked me.

Being a pessimist, the second option seemed more factual. My heart sank into the pit, and I couldn't help but frown hysterically. Thwacking the wooden desk with my fist, I kept the device away— in annoyance.

That's when my vision darted over to Mr. Piqué, who was inching back to his respective seat.

I watched him intently, as a smirk hugged his plump, pink lips— his orbs were digging into the device, and it was clearly a message that was making him jolly.

I felt the pangs of jealousy in my heart, combined with disappointment as I watched him type onto his phone.

I was clenching my teeth; restraining myself from groaning in distress, when suddenly a ping made my heart skip a beat or two— it was my phone.

I quickly grabbed it, to see a message popping up on the screen— a message from Pikachu.

Daddypk : chill, baby girl. I wasn't offended. I had to take a call.

Sexts → Gerard PiquéWhere stories live. Discover now