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....and don't have sex pls. it hurts, man.

Oh and if y'all have any ideas for the plot, like how Jackie & Gerard are going to find out about each other, then feel free to message me.

"Where do you live Leena?" I asked, already exhausted from the day's events.

"Carrer de Sants," she answered, batting her fake, mink eyelashes at me; biting down her lower lip for what seemed like the millionth time. Immoral kid.

"What? But I thought you lived in Carrer de Balmes?" Popped in Mercedes from the backseat; earning a contemplative scowl from Leena.
If looks could kill, Mercedes would've been laying on a bed made out of daggers.

She wasn't even supposed to be here on the first place; but since she's saving my pure, chivalric soul at the moment, I'm glad she tagged along.

"I shifted." Leena stated flatly, rolling her eyes and turning away from the former.

"But you lived there like, two days back or something," added Mercedes's friend. "I did not see any signs of shifting when I went there for the Christmas party."

"Y–yeah, I mean, I shifted for a week, I'm currently living with my grandmother," Leena stuttered— I was utterly creeped out by whatever was happening.

The situation was clear to me— this girl clearly wanted to get laid. I should've known! My bad— even after knowing that she had a bad record when it came to male teachers, I let her in my car.

I was thanking the Lord for Mercedes's and her friend's existence; while praying that they wouldn't give up on the battle of words against Leena at the same time.

My heart sank when the two quietened themselves; whilst Leena smirked in victory— this shouldn't be happening.

"I want to meet your grandmother."

An instant grin spread across my profile on hearing Mercedes's voice. If it would've been some other situation, I would've called her a birdbrain; but at the moment, I could call her the saviour of an innocent man's prestige.

"Ugh— why?!" Leena cried in annoyance, giving me an irked look. "Mr. Piqué, why don't you drop them off first?"

Oh, hell no.

"Leena, why us? Why not you?" The other lady penetrated in. "Yeah, what are you up to? You look— annoyed," Mercedes pointed out.

Of course, she is annoyed, darling— her intentions are too lecherous to be tolerated.

Keep going, Mercedes— I promise to buy myself a Mercedes Benz next time; just keep going— Força, força!

"Whatever," Leena muttered, rolling her eyes once again, before turning towards me. "Mr. Piqué, can you drop them off already?"

"Leena, what is your problem with us?" The golden-haired friend asked, annoyance dripping from her tone.

Leena's face was now flushed— her attempts were going in vain and she was frustrated toAs I halted the vehicle, she opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a single word, I cut her off.

"We're at Carrer de Sants, which way do I go?"

Her jaws hung open; whilst the other two had prominent smiles on their faces— victory for them.

Instead of answering to my interrogation, she simply opened the door, scowling at us— then, without a single word, she marched off.

So much for helping a student.

Mercedes and her chum was trying their hardest to refrain themselves from laughing— I could see it in the rear view mirror.

"Thank you," I chuckled, before restarting the engine. It made them burst into a swell of laughter, with me joining in.

God bless those kids.

The rest of the ride was comparatively peaceful; but I was dying out of curiosity on the inside.

Mercedes, as she had mentioned earlier, apparently had a daddy kink who had gifted her an iPhone— same colour, same model; how could I not be suspicious?

"So, what are your names?" I asked, on purpose— in case that provided any sort of clue.

"I'm Louise," stated the blondie. "And I'm Mercedes," Mercedes stated the obvious.

"Mercedes Alba— oh right!" I replied. "I remember— such a lengthy name." Only if that helps me to attain her full name.

"It's much lengthier than you think," Louise chuckled, earning a thwack from her friend. That did not stop her though— she continued to blabber.

"Mercedes Levesqué Alba— it took me two months to memorise that— right Levi?"

Levi— seems like her nickname was bizarre too.

Mercedes Levesqué Alba.

I heaved a sigh of relief; before smiling to myself. What was I thinking?— it's not like I'm the only daddy kink in the world.

"How much did you get in your test today?" I smirked, glancing over at Mercedes— the only passenger left in the car after I had dropped Louise off.

I was getting pretty comfortable around her; and I owed her for saving my life too.

"Do I really have to tell?" She frowned, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Ha, gotcha! I love torturing people unnecessarily; it's a disease.

"Yes, I'm your teacher, so tell me," I smirked yet again.

"Four," she muttered, flushing a brighter shade of red.

"But it's sort of cool, you know?" She added after a pause, "because like, Theo James— four— the divergent. Do you get the reference?"

I cocked a brow at her; as she looked down to her palms that rested on her thighs (I shouldn't be noticing so much).

That made me laugh— I'm not sure why, but I sort of liked her weirdness.

In the good way, of course. I'm not immoral!

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