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Sorry for not updating since 1951 due to sickness, holidays and blah blah, the reasons are understandable, right? Oh and there was a fookin earthquake too, at 4.35 in the morning earlier this week. 6.7 on the Richter scale— although it's nothing too new, or scary for us anymore.

Boring chapter ahead, will make sure to make the following chapter more interesting.

Louise the great is a life saver– I will forever be in her debt, and forever worship her for what she had bestowed on me.

A phone.

Apparently, her old iPhone 5s that had been lying inside her cupboard, waiting to be used, waiting to be loved; the one that was once replaced by a certain iPhone 6 that her stinking rich cousins gifted her on her birthday, finally came into consideration.

She generously allowed me to borrow it until my mother bought me a new phone— which probably was way too absurd to even imagine.

I think I thanked her over a million times– so many times that she slapped me, and threatened to seize the phone if those two words of appreciation slipped out of my mouth ever again.

I was elated, and in a much cheerful mood on my way back home from Louise's abode.

Elated, until something— more like things, on the street caught my eye.

There were decorations; pine trees—both fake, and real, garlands, lights, stars and everything else possible.

Day after tomorrow's the twenty fifth.

I did not buy gifts.

I do not have money. Splendid.

I heaved a deep sigh– I had completely kicked the whole Christmas business out of my mind. Not like I cared much, but still— Christmas was Christmas, and I had to buy gifts.


"What do you want for Christmas, Jack?" A beaming Jordi asked from the other side of the mahogany dining table.

"You dead," I murmured, perceiving his sardonic question. As expected, I earned an instant scowl from my mother; the woman who was responsible for raising up a hell of a son.

"I heard that!" Jordi snapped, making me chortle and roll my eyes. "You were meant to hear it."

"Not today, kids. Please," the man in his forties— whom I dearly termed as 'papá' grumbled from the side. He and mother had grown immensely tired of the bickering between Jordi and I; but they were used to it.

"Jeanette, I think you should help your mother with the Christmas decorations," my father spoke, after an ages of silence (which only lasted for thirty seconds, by the way).

Oh, and did I tell you that I was sick of being called by too many names?

My father called me Jeanette; my mother and Jordi called me Jackie; my schoolmates call me Mercedes— I have a really complicated life, you see.

After dinner was over, I wasted three whole minutes on searching for the right gift.

Scented candles for everyone (except my Pomeranian, Pom. That little fellow could manage with a chewy toy, anyway.)

JackieA_ : Heyy.

Daddypk : Hey, baby girl. Missed you.

JackieA_ : Missed you too. What's up?

Daddypk : Tired, planning for Christmas. You, babe?

JackieA_ : Saaame. I'm buying scented candles for everybody.

JackieA_ : Everybody except Pom.

Daddypk : Pom?

JackieA_ : My Pomeranian. I was too lazy to think of a name, so, you know? Pomeranian—Pom; get the reference?

Daddypk : no comments.

Daddypk : how did you break your phone though? I was worried.

JackieA_ : all because of my brother. He sneaked into my room and I tried hiding my phone and well, it slipped, fell and broke.

Daddypk : that doesn't seem nice at all.

JackieA_ : I know. I miss my phone.

Daddypk : I'm glad you managed to get a new one though.

JackieA_ : pshh, it belongs to my friend. I'll have to return it back soon.

Daddypk : let's just hope you get a phone for Christmas then.

JackieA_ : hoping is all I can do, honestly.

Daddypk : So..

JackieA_ : So?

Daddypk : Can I ask you something?

JackieA_ : shoot, babe.

Daddypk : if you're comfortable with it and all, may I please have your number?

I readily typed my digits, but before I could tap the send button; my conscience made me pause.

Is this safe?

Is he real?

Is he sure about not being a forty year old in disguise?

What if he's someone that I already know in real life?

"Who are you talking to, Jack?"

And again— I jumped, but this time with the phone grasped tightly in my hand. As expected, it was Jordi– he was in my room, probably had been there for a while, without me acknowledging.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped, utterly frustrated by his claptrap.

"I've been calling you for a while, you weren't answering. You've been a lot distracted lately–" he paused, as his eyes scanned down to the device that I was holding. "Do you have a boyfriend or something?"

"I don't." I stated flatly— it was true, I did not exactly have one.

"Who are you talking to?" Jordi squinted his eyes whilst inching towards me. Why was he so interested?

"None of your business, Jordi. Stop!" All I wanted to do, was strangle my pesky brother.

"You're right," he stopped in his tracks, stretching his lips into a thin line. "None of my business, but be careful. You never know what's behind that pretty virtual screen of yours."

Wait a minute— did he check up on me? Does he, by any chance, know about Daddypk?

I felt a little knot at the back of my throat, but somehow managed to utter my next sentence with phlegm.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you logging into Omegle, Jack. Ninety nine percent of the people on that site are either fake; or oversexed. Just be careful." Although Jordi was smirking, his words were pretty convincing— but not convincing enough to stop me from tapping the send button.

JackieA_ : 7x8 4x3 7xx4 ;)

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