Chapter 2

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Genovese POV

"Rico!!", I shouted to my right-hand man and also the only one I trusted in this business,

"Why aren't the boats stocked and on their way to Russia" I questioned,

With him knowing he's the only one who could talk back to me does not miss the opportunity to do so, he is always trying to get on my nerves by playing with me and sometimes it gets annoying and irritating,

"you need to get out more" he answers,

I clenched my jaw and I could tell he sensed the anger radiating off me,

"I was joking" he shot back at me with a smug look on his face,

"Don't be so angry you really need to get out you need a girlfriend or a whore or something your too tense Geno boy"

I got even angrier and I could tell he was pushing it by the grin on his face,

Does he not remember that I'm still his boss and I can be just as snarky and hit him where it hurts,

"If I wanted a whore don't you think I could be balls deep inside Tamera " I answered him now he was the one angry but now I was the one wearing a smirk,

He left my office ignorance radiating off his expensive black suite and that was good for business because I know now he would get the job done.

"Idiot" I whispered as he left.

I decided to contact some of my clients that owed me money and extend their payment date because I felt good today plus I didn't feel like getting this suit dirty.


I wanted some peace at home for the evening but unfortunately I couldn't get that
because I had to tie up some loose ends.

"Gather some of our men we are going to the warehouse we have a rat on our tail" I said through the phone to Rico,

"Okay be there in ten" he answered and I hung up.

I took my jacket off and rolled up the sleeves of my white dress shirt,
Screwing the silencer on I placed my gun safely into my pants waist as I exited the mansion.

When I arrived at the warehouse I saw Rico and the men already waiting for me,

I hopped out of my SUV and walked up to Rico, explaining the situation to him,

"I've been informed that Pecito has became a little chatty to the opposing mafia" I gave Rico the run down,

"I guess we're going to have to send him home then huh" he asked me,

"I guess we are" I told him as we enter the small warehouse,

I smell gasoline which tells me my men have been torturing my dear friend Pecito already.

"Got anything out of him"? I asked my men while taking out my gun and placing it under his chin raising his face to look at me,

"Yes boss he told them all of our warehouse locations and recent transactions with our new clients" one of my men Hamas told me,

"How dare you defy me Pecito after everything I've done for you and your family,

I actually like your wife so I'm not going to look for her but as for you you'll learn never to go against the Zetello family " I told him striking him in the face,

"I'm sorry Genovese I didn't mean to they made me do it" he begged,

"Oh no Pecito don't be a Pussy now don't beg, your only making it worst for yourself" I told him shooting him in the right knee cap,

He screamed in pain and agony but I had no mercy I shot him in the other knee I was messed up and I knew and as a cold hearted monster I loved and enjoyed it too,

"Say Hi to my father for me tell him I'm doing a great job matter of fact you don't have to once he sees you he will know" I whispered in his ear before I dressed back and put a bullet between his two yes,

His head hanged over and blood spewed from the neatly placed bullet hole,

"Clean this up" I told Rico leaving them to finish the job,

"Will do boss" he replied as I walked through the doors of the warehouse tucking my gun back into its place.


I was sitting in my home office I had just showered and was just looking through a few of my recent client list I had to find out why the opposing mafia wanted this information.

I decided to call my Biggest Russian client Garelso to see if I could find anything out since that was my latest transaction.

"Здравствуйте Garelso how's business " I asked,

"Business is good Genovese me not so good" he replied,

"What do you mean" I questioned,

"The Russian police have put me on their wanted list Brother, I've been doing fine at hiding but it's hindering me from doing my job to the fullest" he replied,

"You have to tell me things like this I can't afford to have any of my people on wanted list anywhere in the world this puts us at risk " I say a little irritated that he didn't tell me this information,

"I know but I was trying to get to someone on the inside and have it sorted out ASAP but it's taking a little longer than expected" he told me,

"Okay I'm going to get it sorted" I told him,

"Okay thanks" He said and I hung up.

I called my people on the inside of the Russian police force,

"poluchit' pablo iz razyskivayemogo spiska seychas" I told him,

"хорошо, я на нем" he answered,

"Спасибо" I thanked him and ended the call,

I rubbed my temple tired from the stressful day that I've had, Sometimes I really wish I was normal.

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