Chapter 17

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Alexis POV

We were in my room chilling after our date

Genovese took me home and I invited him in, we continued watching our series on Netflix called lucifer, I saw the uneasy look he had while watching the show,

"Your Not use to this are you" I asked him,

He smiled at me finally noticing that I was studying his face, "no I don't watch anything besides  the news and it's getting me angry at all the actors although it's just a tv show" he told me,

I smiled and got on top of him,

"That's ok you will get use to it" I told him and gave him a kiss,

"I don't think I ever will" he said to me and smiled,

"Well enough Netflix let's chill" I whispered in his ear and started to pull at his pants,

"Come here"  he said before he flipped us over and began to trace kisses down my neck causing heat to rise at my core.

He then came back to my lips before leaving small open mouth kisses along my jaw line,  he then sensitively slipped his tongue in my ear making me want him inside me even more, he swirled his tongue around my ear causing me to grip his shirt and bite my lips,

"I want you to do everything for me tonight Gattina and I want you to be very quiet okay" he said to me but not allowing me to answer because he slipped two of his fingers into my mouth so I all I could do was nod yes, I laughed at myself in my head I must have looked like an abandoned puppy just now,

Once he took his fingers out of my mouth I helped him out his shirt while he pulled his pants off, he laid flat on his back allowing me to get on top of him, I gave him one last kiss before I began riding him.....

The next day....

"I'm sorry I can't stay I'll call you tomorrow I love you" was the last thing I remembered Genovese saying to me before he left at least I think that's what I heard while I was almost all the way to dreamland,

I woke up around nine and had a shower I cleaned my room then made my way to the kitchen and had breakfast I guess it was left there by Moe because my pancakes had smiley faces made on them guess she heard what took place across the hall last night sigh, when she gets home she is going to have a field day,

I noticed that the house needed groceries so I decided to get some I got paid yesterday and I was glad that I'd finally be able to contribute something to the house so I took the opportunity, 

I put my slides on and went to the room to fetch my phone and my handbag before heading out I left a note to Moe just in case she got back before me,

I also texted Genovese so he knew I was out just in case they thought I had gone missing being that they were mad, I hailed a cab and went to the nearest supermarket,

I walked through every aisle looking for whatever was missing from the house when I finally got everything I needed I headed to the checkout line but then something caught my eyes and I don't know what possessed me to take up a pregnancy test but I did , plus my period was late by weeks which never happens,

I know it might be nothing but I still wanted to know , what would I do if I was though I barely know Genovese we are not even together we were just dating, what would it mean for us if I was, I thought about all of this to myself

I paid a supermarket worker to watch my cart as suspicion got the best of me causing me to pay for the test and head to the supermarket's bathroom,

15 mins later.....

It was as if I wanted to faint, vomit, scream and cry at the same time the test was in and I was  in fact pregnant what was I going to do I don't think I'm ready for this yet I don't even know if the father is ready for this I was just in a daze while in the check out line,

"Three hundred dollars and fifteen cents miss" the cashier told me,

I took the paper money out and gave it to her counting out the silvers I was short of five cents so I started to take out a ten dollars bill,

"I'm sorry I wasted your time I apologize I thought I had enough silvers" I told the cashier but behind me stood a tall buffed Hispanic man he placed a quarter on the check out counter and then he spoke,

"Its okay" is all he said it gave me a chance to see a cellphone scar that ran across his right cheek bone and his voice was quite husky as if he had smoke a lot,

"No it's really okay I'll pay" I told him picking up the money he threw to  hand back to him, 

"Its fine lady and I'm not doing it for you, your just holding up the line and people have business to attend to" he told me sternly and I knew I had no choice,

"Okay thank you but I'll pay you back some day " I told him before turning around to collect my stuff to leave, 

What a weirdo I thought to myself while walking out but I didn't know why because I genuinely always like people but there was something mysterious about that man but I sure as hell didn't wanna find out.


I was now standing at a nearby corner waiting on my uber but I saw the the creepy man again in the distance standing beside an all black SUV I didn't panic as that would cause an alarm and he would know that I saw him and I was nervous, I thought quick and quickly dialed Genovese number and waited until he answered,

"Hello" is all he said but I was use to the static in his voice I knew he must be around company,

"Babe I'm at the supermarket waiting for my uber but I noticed a weird man watching me and he paid some of the money for me at the cashier because I was holding up the line and I saw a scar on his face  not to be stereotypical but I'm scared" I rambled on,

"Does he know that you know he's watching you" he asked sounding uneasy causing me to be more alerted,

"I don't think so but my back is turned to him I didn't want him to be suspicious of me" I told him,

"Okay send me your exact location now I'm coming for you don't be scared I'm coming " he said to me but I still didn't feel convinced by his tone that I was safe,

"Okay and Genovese I love you and I have something to tell you hurry up and come get me I'm scared " I was cut off by a piece of cloth being put over my mouth I struggled to get free but I couldn't now I know for sure my future was unsure my poor baby I thought as I slipped into darkness,

Genovese POV

"Okay hurry, and Genovese I love you and I have something to tell you hurry and come get me I'm scared" was all I heard before struggled breathing and muffled noises and then the dial tone,

"What the fuck" I Screamed throwing my phone breaking it to pieces,

"What's wrong" is all Rico asked me concerned because he knows  I never lose control.

"The Russians got Alexis"

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