Chapter 8

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Alexis POV

"My office is amazing it is painted blush pink and every office supply was in it but it turns out my boss is a douche" I said to Moe on the other side of the line.

"Really how come" she asked,

"He's actually the guy I met at the club the other day and he's treating me like I'm some one night stand even though I was" I told her,

"You don't have to stay I can pay the rent come home if you want to and I'll come over there and give him a piece of my mind too" she told me causing me to smile,

"Moesha you know I need to do this for my sake besides which boss is ever friendly to their employee, I love you for caring though" I say to her,

"I love you too be safe" she tells me signaling the end of our conversation,

"OK I'll see you later" I told her before hanging up

Genovese POV

"Have you finished at least half of today's work load Miss Mayamo" I asked Alexis as I walked into her office not bothering to even knock,

"Yes sir you have two meetings tomorrow with your stock brokers and one with your staff at your club on Queens street" she replied looking at her notes,

"Okay since your finished and I'm hungry and you are probably too let's get something to eat" I said nonchalantly not wanting her to pick up on the fact that I really wanted her to go but if she doesn't want to I won't show my disappointment,

"Are you sure that's a good idea sir we kinda have an elephant in the room I think that would interfere with our business relationship since both of us decided not to talk about it would it not be better we leave the pleasantries" she says to me looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes,

"I didn't ask you on a date Miss Mayamo I just thought you were hungry from all of today's work " I say to her walking out,

"Okay I'm coming" I heard her shout as I was about to close her office door, I smiled to myself feeling satisfied wait what, smiled what the fuck are you doing Genovese your digging your self a grave that you soon may have to lay in after today no more indulging in personal situations with her,

Alexis POV

We were at a little Italian restaurant eating lunch together none of us commenting anything to the other we were just stuck in silence , it was not peaceful silence either it was weird silence.

I finished my food and wiped my mouth with the napkin provided,
When I looked up Genovese was just staring at me,

"Is there something on my face" I asked brushing my face with the napkin also,

"No I was just wondering what animal you looked like" he said smirking at me,

He may be kidding but me being as insecure as I was took him serious,

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes trying to play it off,

"Did you just roll your eyes at me" he asked,

"Nope I just turned them in my head" I said sarcastically,

"Don't act smart with me missy, don't do that again, remember I'm still your boss " he said sternly if only I cared to listen,

"Okay sir" I said out of respect due to fact he was actually my boss,

I saw him wave over the waiter for the bill and I took out my wallet taking out the amount of money for my food and a little extra for the tip, thank God Moesha gave me money this morning I must remember to pay her back,

"How much is it" I asked,

"I'm paying" he said not even sparing me a second glance,

"Yes you are for your half of the bill" I argued,

"Can you stop being so difficult and let me pay the fucking bill" he whisper shouted,

"Fine but I'm paying next time" I said not thinking about my words,

"Who said I was going to put up with you on another outing'' he said,

As I was about to answer his phone rang,

"Hello" he answered sternly,

I couldn't hear the other end of the conversation and I didn't try to indulge either,

"I'm on my way" he said with force,

"Let's go" he tells me walking in front of me not even bothering to hold the door for me,

"Since we walked here you can find your way back as soon as the time come you can leave, I won't be back until tomorrow so tell Stefani to cancel any meetings I have for today" is all he said before walking in the opposite direction of how we came his phone still pressed to his ear,

I was a little worried because of his frantic behavior but I didn't dare question him and it was a little weird that Stefani wasn't his personal assistant but she was making other meetings I didn't know about since I was his secretary but I wont question his business.

I just headed back to the office and did what I was told.

Genovese POV

"Rico The Russian Cartel is in town " I told him,

"What the fuck man" he stressed to me,

"They're up to something I can feel it, Stefani said that they are worried that our cocaine is selling in there country more than their investing clients own" I told him,

"What are you going to do" he asked,

"I can't back down now I would look weak, I'm going to continue selling my product and anybody tries to mess with my money on their little trip here I'm going to have to send them home in parts" I told him,

"Anything your on I'm with it Brother " he answered,

"Oh I have another problem" I told him,

"What now" he asked,

"The question is who now, same girl you've been warning me about she works for me now and before you say shit I didn't do it, she came from the Ad in the newspaper, I can't fire her either I did a background check on her and she's broke man " I explained to my best friend,

"Genovese she's your responsibility protect her at all cost I can tell that you like her even though you try to hide it I see that you like her alot but you have to keep her from your world brother because it ain't pretty" he told me,

"That obvious huh, anyways meet me at my house In a few I'm going there to gather more info on the Russians" I told him,

"Okay be there in ten" he told me before I hanged up the phone.

Oh boy what have I gotten myself into.

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