Bonus Chapter.....

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Alexis POV

I'm was in the kitchen cooking up a storm for Genovese and the kids although they were sleeping, I had an uneasy feeling but could not pin point why,

I was making Jamaican food, Ackee and salt fish with fry flitters and chocolate tea,

My dad thought me to cook and I loved him for that,

I was plating the food when I heard my door bell ring.... ..."babe can you get that" I yelled to Genovese,

"OK"  he shouted groggily across the long hallway.

I checked the stove to make sure the gas was turned off ,

"Babe I think its for you" Gen told me,

But he said it shakily which was weird because he was never nervous not even at our wedding,

I walked to the door only to find people I thought I would never see ever again in my life and I had accepted that,

"Hi my baby " said my mother giving me a bone crushing hug ...... Then my sister then my aunt but I just stood there not returning the gesture,

I didn't hate them but I wasn't so fond of them either,

I only wish my father could hug me and not people whom I didn't affiliate my self with,

My mood swung from shocked to protective, "what are you guys doing here" I asked them sternly,

"We just came to see how you were doing" my sister replied,

"Well I'm good..... goodbye" I say way too quickly about to close the door, how did they even get pass security, we will definitely be talking about that because this is unacceptable, our main security team was on vacation so the guards at the gate where replacements until they got back,  

I could feel Genovese looking at me protectively,

I turned to him after hearing Samarai crying. "I hear Samarai crying can you check on him for me please " I told him with a wary look he then followed my instructions without questions,

I turned to the three people at my door as soon as he was out if ear shot  "look let me make something very clear to you guys your not about to ruin my life for the second time I've forgiven you guys but I could never forget what you all did, and now that I'm the one with a husband two kids and a beautiful future you'll wanna come around and act like we're a big happy family,

I still remember when you kicked me out because I stood up for myself, even though I was hurt and heartbroken I wanna say thank you that's the best thing you'll could've ever done for me in my entire life because of that I met the love of my life and I have the family of my dreams and you know what I'm glad because y'all are bitter and yes I'm flexing because the things you guys have put me through and I've still manage to make it out, I win

The only family I cared about died a long time ago and guess what you'll can go back to were the hell you'll came from because I know my husband and I know he'll want us to mend things and give you all that your gonna ask for but I'll make sure that does not happen" I told them uninterrupted and watch as they stare at me in shocked,  they didn't expect that from me but I've changed and for the better too,

There was silence until Genovese appeared with Rai,

"Thanks babe" I took the baby from him,

"Are they going to come in" Genovese asked as he look between me and them,

"No they were just leaving" I finished with a smiled,

"I did come here with meaningless intentions that may be true but after what you just said I just wanna say I'm sorry and I wish I could take back everything I've ever done to you, your my baby girl and I failed as a mother,

I failed to protect you, I just lost sight of what a good mother was for a second and I wish I could change that, I  threw you to the wolves and you made it out alive your strong just like your dad,

I don't ever want you to feel as if you were only a savior baby you were the opposite of that you were my world the only thing that kept me sane when everything else was falling apart around me,

The lines just got blurred for a minute because I was scared to lose your sister and I thought if you didn't give her what she needed your father would of been disappointed in me and in you but I'm glad you refused because I don't ever think I could live with my self knowing I was the cause of your or his pain,

I love you with all my heart and I'm proud of you you , you don't have to give us anything I just want you to know that and I'm sorry I disappointed you my baby I am so sorry please forgive me, we will all leave now" said my mother with tears  running down her cheeks,

Why now , all the words I wanted to hear but why now , why now when I just want to hate her she tells me all these things and cause my mind to be in turmoil,

Why don't I hate her and I want to be in her arms and forgive her just why now I can feel tears streaming down my face as I hold my baby close to me as my family turns and walks away,

"Mom" I shouted before my mind could comprehend she turned around and looks at me with teary eyes,

I walk to where she had stopped in the driveway and hugged her with Samarai still in one arm she hugged me back, "I love you too as much as I try to hate you I love you still but I need time to process and time to heal from what you did and put me through" I finished telling her,

"I love you too and I'm so sorry just know that you did good and you made mommy so proud of you and your father too, I'm so proud of you but when the day comes and you forgive me fully please call me I would like to hold and be there for my grand babies and also be there for you .....okay" she held my head in her hands.... I just nodded yes at her still unable to speak from the air that had formed in my throat from wanting to cry more,

They all got into the car they came in and my mom waved a goodbye to me as they drove away,

I held Samarai hands and waved back at her as they pulled away,

I felt hands wrap around my waist "its going to be okay I'm here and you know that I support you in all you do and I love you and that was great how you handled that situation because I know it was hard" Gen whispered in my my ear,

"I love you too Mr Zetelllo" I say as I turned in his arms to look into his beautiful grey eyes,

And we just stood there , in the moment I felt happy and I knew for a fact my father was proud of me and I just realized I had the greatest gift of all I got my family , my children, my husband, my best friend, I had  it all and my darkest hour had passed and this was my dawn.

We turned to walk back into the house,

"Do you want to go make more babies" Genovese asked as we were entering the house,

"No eww my poor baby's ear" I laughed out to him as I closed our door.

This is the life of a Retired Mafia Mans Wife this was going to be MY FOREVER..

The End....

If you guys want a bonus chapter for what Alexis went through while she was kidnapped comment and let me know and I'll write it for you guys...

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