Chapter 6

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Genovese POV

I was awaken by loud clashing sounds outside my bedroom door it must be my housekeeper she must be working but noise was so loud it made my head pound,

I need to get some aspirins asap for this hangover,

I rolled over just to find coldness in my bed I was mad to say the least actually I was furious not because she wasn't there but because I messed up by actually bringing her into my life, I have a roster that I keep in rotation I don't add or subtract  anyone because they are apart of my world and they know what they are getting into with me,

This innocent girl does not deserve to become apart of something unknowingly without a chance to choose , it must have been the liquor because I could not control myself with her,  but hopefully no one saw us together.


I had a shower and got dressed for work, running a mainstream and underground business plus my marketing company wasn't easy but I had to do what I had to, the Zetello name has to reign forever, I was taking up my keys to exit my room when I saw a note,

Dear Gen,

I know your name from a newspaper article thats in your closet by the way and I must say really bad rep lol I'm kidding and you should tell people your name before bedding them learn form this experience LMAO anyways, Thanks for your generous time spent with me  I appreciate your kindness, I had a lot of fun and an amazing experience with you however I know nothing will become of this so I didn't want to stay and make it weird, Kisses

P.S Alexis

I found myself smiling then I caught myself quickly and went back to my cold demeaner I straightened my suit and washed all the memories from last night out of my brain or so I thought.

Enough of thinking about this girl and her stupid beautiful face and charm, it was time to go back to reality my reality, "stop slacking" Genovese I repeated to myself trying to make it settle in.


Entering my office I found Rico already there,

"What are you doing in my office you Idiot? " I asked him,

"I should be the one asking the questions now where did you go and with whom when you told me to drop that pretty girl home?" He asked without humor,

"I went home Rico with a woman, am I not old enough to make my own decisions" I ask him,

"Yes you are but when you make stupid decisions like that which could get us in trouble then I step in and remind you that we are not regular or normal, we are murderers, drug dealers you are the leader of the Zetello Mafia don't forget" he told me seriously,

I was about to reply that he was right when we got interrupted,

"Mr Zetello we have a problem" said Rico's trusted personal assistant,

"What" I asked without emotion showing because I was a little annoyed,

"One of our men was just fatally wounded by someone from the Mutanio Family and he's in terrible condition" she replied quickly,

I rubbed my temple and caught a breath, this is just exhausting but this is what I get for being the male heir to a dangerous Mafia,

"Send two of our men to protect his room and make sure he gets special care no matter the cost, did the rest of my men catch anyone from their side"? I ask,

"No but they have a hit on one of the Mutaino warehouses" she told me,

"Okay get my car ready I'm going" I dismiss her,

"This is the life we live brother don't get caught up" said Rico before taking out his gun and leading the way out my office,

He was right though I couldn't put such a pure innocent flower in danger just because of my selfishness I would be very stupid,


Me and my men were walking towards the discovered location guns out and ready to shoot,

"We go in on my signal " I told them as we got closer,

"When we were almost at the door we could hear talking , these set of gangsters were stupid they had no outside security and their warehouse wasn't sound proof I listened before I gave the signal,

"I shot him father I don't think he'll make it" I heard someone say,

"Okay my boy good, let's see how well Mr Zetello can handle his business that should teach him a lesson not to steal our clients" I heard Sebastian Mutaino's voice I knew that voice anywhere I couldn't wait to kill him, I wanted revenge for my aunt that he killed to get back at my dad but I could not locate him for shit, the devil must be giving me a reward or something I don't care either I'm taking it, I'll pay him back in blood,

I gave the signal and we all barged in shooting at anything that moved

Before I knew it I was grazed by a stray bullet but I could not react or show the pain I felt, my father taught me real men don't feel emotions or pain so my face had no reaction even though the pain was rinsing through my veins,

I walked up to an already gaping Sebastian and I held my gun to his temple,

"This is for my Aunt you evil man" I told him,

"We are both evil men Zetello, plus who leaves this earth first will face hell first get to know the place you know" he told me trying to distract me from the fact that he was reaching for his gun,

"Tell Samael hello for me then huh" I said before blowing his brains out,

I wiped my gun on his shirt before me and my men left.


I had gotten cleaned up by my doctor as soon as we left the warehouse, the wound wasn't deep either so that was a plus.

"Are you alright" asked Rico while we were heading back to the office,

"I'm fine" I told him changing my white dress shirt to a dark grey one,

"I know you loved your aunt man and she was like a second mother to you" he started but I interrupted,

"I'm fine Rico can't I get back to work without you getting all sentimental on me" I smiled out,

"Okay Brother I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he told me and I know he was coming from a good place I was just angry at the world like I always am,

"I know brother, I'm just stressed out" I told him,

And we rode back the the office in silence,


I was sitting in the office trying to separate the different businesses and their paper work, between mainstream and underground clubs I really needed a secretary to help me with all the legal clubs because I was getting confused by the work load.

I picked up the phone and speed dialed Rico's personal assistant even though I knew she was annoyed by taking on both me and Rico's work and calls,

"Hey Stefani did you put out the AD for the job position that I told you about" I asked her,

"Yes sir someone should be coming in today or tomorrow for the interview sir" she answered,

"Okay inform me as soon as they do please" I told her.

"I will sir " She is all she said before I hanged up and continued with my work.

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