Chapter 14

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Genovese POV

I jumped out of my sleep a few minutes ago I feel a little better than yesterday, I turn to find Alexis asleep at the edge of my bed,

I wish she knew she was the only girl that could be in my room sleeping without me being mean and telling them to leave, I felt a little weird having her just resting on the edge so I pulled her up to me she stirred a little but she did not open her eyes I guess she's really tired,

I am still a little bit in shocked at the way she talked to me yesterday but I didn't lash out for the first time in my life after being disrespected, I actually did what she told me to because I was amused by her and because she was right, Oh well I thought to myself before dosing off again

Later that day.....

It was now seven pm and I feel a lot better thanks to Alexis, I whispered in her ear for her to wake up because at this point I thought something was wrong, I've been working from home all day I exercised and had two baths too and she had not budge not even to get something to eat.

Her eyes finally fluttered open,

"Hey sleeping beauty" I said to her chuckling,

"Did you sleep well"? She asked me groggily,

"I did actually and I feel a lot better than yesterday" I told her stretching,

"I'm sorry I was going to leave once you were asleep but I guess I was too tired I fell asleep" she explained while rubbing her eyes,

"It's okay and stop apologizing for everything " I replied go her,

"What time is it" she asked,

"Seven O Five" I answered looking at the big grey clock in my room,

"What the fuck, we slept that long, why didn't you wake me, how am I I going to get home" she rambled on,

" Firstly you slept that long I've been up and Calm down you can stay here for the night and go home tomorrow morning" I said to her,

"How will that even work"? She asked me,

I got up and walked to my closet I picked out an oversized sweat shirt and new boxers for her to change in,

"Here go take a shower and I'll go fetch us something to eat" I told her shoving her to the direction of the bathroom and heading downstair,

I mimicked her very actions last night when she bullied me.

Alexis POV

I was at his house in his bathroom about to put his clothes on and was about to sleep in his bed again, I don't wanna over think shit because it's my fault anyways he did send me home we really need to talk because I'm starting to feel embarrassed about these things,

I went back to the room to fetch my purse to call Moe she must think somethings wrong, when I pulled out my phone it had approximately 90 missed calls and I knew I was really gonna be dead,

I locked the bathroom door and called Moe,

"Moe don't kill me let me explain why I'm not home" I shouted out as soon as she picked up,

She breathed out slowly "speak" was all she said before I started to explain,

"Ok so I went to work yesterday but then Genovese didn't show up so I called him, he then told me to bring some files to his house and when I got here he had a fever and a very bad cough, so I took care of him against his will of course and I was suppose to leave when he fell asleep but I fell asleep too and I don't know if it's the silk duvet or what it is but I just woke and if he didn't wake me I would still be asleep" I told her everything in one breath,

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