New Year's Eve

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Takes Place After "Cursed"
WARNING: Contains mature themes

I don't know how it was possible, but for the first time since I've lived here in Kansas, it rained on New Years Eve. And not just a little rain, it was like a freaking monsoon outside. So much so that the roads were flooded to the point where we couldn't leave the house. Not like I was planning to any way.

"You have got to be kidding me," Sara pulled down the blinds to glare at the rain. "It's winter! Why isn't it snowing instead of this shit! Now my plans are ruined."

I flipped through the television not really paying attention until I landed on something interesting. Honestly, I was content curled up on the couch in my pajamas eating my weight in cheese puffs and watching reruns of Laguna Beach. Nothing says ringing in a new year like watching rich people complain about their love lives. Plus I'm a total sap for Kristin and Stephen.

"I mean your plans don't have to be ruined," I shoved another cheese puff in my mouth. "You can just make a boat and row to April's party."

Sara sent me a glare. "Don't mess with my emotions, Miller. I was really looking forward to going. Do you remember how much fun we had last year?"


"We had such an awesome time!" Sara continued. "She had that paint twister game and we sang karaoke and ate all that cheese dip--"

"Didn't you get sick from that cheese dip?" I made a face.

"Yeah, but you're missing the point," she waved it off. "We were out having fun. Not sitting on the couch watching The Hills. This show ended like ten years ago, come on--"

"First of all," I held up a finger cutting her off, "it's Laguna Beach. You know how much I love this show. Kristen and Stephen are like your Sawyer and Kate from Lost so don't even try to insult it. Secondly, I can't help the fact that it's raining. We are stuck in here for New Years Eve and that's that. So you can watch this with me, or," I popped another cheese puff in my mouth, "you don't."

She rolled her eyes and sank further into the couch with a groan. It was quiet for a solid moment as we watched Lauren Conrad shopping with a friend for a new outfit. I have always envied how not even once they check the price tags on whatever clothing item they touch. Whenever I go shopping I look at the price first and then the clothes. I don't care how good a shirt looks, if it is fifty dollars it's staying on the rack.

The scene cut to Kristin and Stephen going on a date and my chest tightened. It's been so long since someone has looked at me that way. Two months to be exact, but I tried not to think too much about it before my mind went down a dark path. Instead I focused on the television rather than think about him.

It was starting to get really tense and Stephen was about to say something to Kristin when Sara blurted out, "They break up."

I let out something between a groan and a cry then threw a pillow at her. "You bitch!"

She just snickered evilly. Of course I knew the couple didn't last because this happened years ago. Fast forward to the present and Kristin is married to some football player that is definitely not Stephen, but still.

"You've seen their break up scene like five times!" Sara defended herself.

"I know that but I like seeing what happens before it ends!" I groaned munching on another cheese puff angrily. "I mean, damn. I would like to think romance exists somewhere."

After the words came tumbling out I realized their true meaning behind them. Sara must have too because her expression melted into concern. I've been seeing this look a lot lately.

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