Baby Talk

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Five Months After Epilogue

It was a type of night that I knew I would never forget. There wasn't anything particular extravagant about it; but the image before me of Jasper laying on our bed with his head next to my proud belly and a book in hand was something I wanted to remember for years to come.

His deep voice was the only sound in the room as he continued reading aloud. I listened contently, curling his soft hair around and around my finger.

"We can die by it, if not live by love, And if unfit for tombs and hearse Our legend be, it will be fit for verse; And if no piece of chronicle we prove, We'll build in sonnets pretty rooms," he licked his finger before turning the page to continue. "As well a well-wrought urn becomes The greatest ashes, as half-acre tombs, And by these hymns, all shall approve Us canonized for Love. And thus invoke us--"

"Jasper," I stopped curling his hair.


"I'm pretty sure you put the baby to sleep hours ago after Robert Frost."

He looked up at me with a frown. "But she loves John Donne."

"You love John Donne. She," I ran my hand over my round stomach, "likes sleeping on my bladder."

His eyes locked on mine for a moment before turning back to my belly as if digesting what I said. After a hesitant moment, he placed the book to the side before tracing his finger around and around my belly-button adoringly. "Allison?"


He paused before asking, "How is it possible to love something so much even if they aren't here yet?"

Perhaps it was because my hormones make me cry at the drop of a hat lately, but I was suddenly feeling the familiar prickle behind my eyes. Both from his words and because I knew exactly what he meant.

With a smile I gently ran my fingers through his hair and answered, "Because you're going to be an amazing father."

Jasper looked back up at me with adoration in his eyes. He's always looked at me this way, but ever since the day I told him we were going to be parents it's been constant. Well, after he woke up from fainting.

I could never forget that day when he came rolling up in a new motorcycle he bought that day as a surprise for me. The only problem was, I had a surprise for him as well. After coming down from the initial shock when I showed him the twelve positive pregnancy tests, he quickly rode his motorcycle one last time back to the shop to return it, and then promptly took me to go pick out a crib.

"And you," he leaned up to kiss me multiple times, "are going to be a fantastic mother."

I smiled against his lips. "I guess we make a pretty impressive duo, huh?"

He chuckled before whispering, "And always will be." And then he pressed his lips to mine firmly. I briefly wondered if Ella could feel the butterflies fluttering around in there.

I ran my fingers through his hair, holding him in place desperately begging for more. It was strange that unlike most pregnancies I haven't had any cravings for food. But his lips . . . those I couldn't get enough of. I'm not exactly sure how much that's related to the pregnancy though. My body has always desired him. However, I had to admit it was fun seeing Mom's reaction when she asked me if I had any cravings and I would answer with 'my husband'. Granny found it hilarious, Mom, not so much.

When he let go too suddenly for me I pouted. "Why did you stop?"

"If we keep this up I might not stop."

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