Office Work

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🍋WARNING: LOTS of Mature Content Ahead.
Ye be warned [but you should already know this since it's in the mature section ;)]🍋

It was weird knowing that college was about to start back up but I wouldn't be among those panicking to get textbooks and parking passes. Instead I was helping Jasper move into his new office at Ridgefield University. It was my first day off since I started Harrington Publishing a few months ago so I decided to help him get the rest of his stuff inside before it never left the living room.

With a might heave I sat down a big box on top of his dark wooden desk near the back of the room.

"Good grief I thought all of your books were at home," I huffed.

Jasper was unpacking his other box of books placing them on his build in shelf. "That's only a fraction of them. These are the texts I use in class."

"I'm so glad I never actually took your class," I said putting my hair up in a bun. When I was finished I placed my hands on my hips and looked around the place. "It's a lot more roomy than Bulfort. But I guess that's what you'd expect more a higher end school. Only the colors seem so dreary."

He paused to look around the room as well. "Well those are the university colors. They are in every office."

"Maroon and gray," I crossed my arms over my chest. "Whoever chose them had a boring life."

"And what would you have chosen?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Maybe blue because it's supposed to be calming and yellow because it's a happy color. Something more positive than this."

"Well if I ever run this place I'll be sure to change the colors just for you," Jasper said as he placed the final book from his box on the shelf. When he was done he turned to me. "You really think it's more roomy?"

"I do. I feel like I could do cartwheels in here," I stretched my arms out wide and twirled around as if to prove a point.

"Let's not and say we did. I just got this place and I'd like it in one piece."

"Okay, Dr. Andrews," I sent him a wink.

The tips of his ears turned red before he went to tackle the box I brought in. I leaned against the desk right next to him as I watched him work silently. He wasn't doing anything special, but there was something about Jasper that makes the most simple tasks look sexy. Like the way his arms flexed a little as he carried a hefty load of books to the shelf or when he would softly run his fingertips over the spines of the book in search of something. I loved the look of determination during his hunt for the book or when he would lick his lips unconsciously. All of these little things sent my mind into a frenzy and before I could stop it a wicked thought crossed my mind. A naughty, wicked thought that brought a smile to my face.

To put the plan in motion I looked around for anything that looked like a sheet of paper. When his printed copy of his class schedule caught my attention I grabbed it and walked around to the front of the desk.

"Oh, Professor?" I said in a sickly sweet voice. "I hate to bother you, but I have that assignment from last week I've been meaning to turn in."

Jasper paused what he was doing to turn and look at me confusedly. "You what? What assignment?"

"I know your policy only allows a two day extension and now it's four, but I was just so busy. I do hope you understand. I truly am sorry," I gave a little pout.

His eyes went from me, to the paper, and then back before slowly he started to put the pieces together. When he did he straightened up real quick and cleared his throat. "Oh, right. Well, Ms. Miller, you know my policy. I don't accept late assignments. I'm afraid this paper will have to receive an F."

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