2| Dominance

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Sexual Content Ahead. Ye Be Warned

I was hardly settled in my room when I heard a sharp knock at the door. Because of the hundreds of texts I'd received today, I didn't have to guess who it was, but I still pretended to be surprised when I opened the door to see June.

"Ms. Harrington," I greeted. "Good afternoon."

"Dr. Andrews, so good to see you made it safely," she gave a polite nod although her professional facade didn't faze me. As soon as she was inside my room, I knew that she would drop more than just formalities.

I took a moment to note all the small differences since the last time I saw her at the conference. Her platinum hair now fell past her shoulders countering her tanned skin that looked unnatural for the October weather (although I had no doubt she had enough money to get a spray tan daily). Her taste in clothing still hasn't changed since she still wore the same business-type suit only this time it was a shade of pink. It gave it a feminine quality, although there was no denying she was all woman with what she was hiding underneath the jacket.

"Yes, the buses were not as awful as I originally thought. The ride here was exceptional," I said although that wasn't entirely true. There was one obstacle in my way the entire trip. One with green eyes.

"I'm glad to hear that."

When I didn't say anything else she eyed me expectantly until I got the message and opened the door wider. "Come in."

"Thank you," she stepped in with a smug smile.

"You're welcome," I shut the door behind her when she was inside and turned towards her. I already knew what was to come and that trying to keep up the professionalism was pointless, still out of habit I asked, "So how was your trip to the hot--?"

But before I could finish the question she was on me, using her curves to press me against the door in a forceful manner. It was kind of hot, but I've never been a major fan of women throwing themselves at me. I enjoyed the hunt whereas June was the prey that practically threw herself in my trap. It wasn't extremely exciting, although what was to come never really disappointed.

"Mmm, I've been waiting for this for so long," she nipped at my neck hungrily. "Have you missed me?"

"Of course," the words tasted bitter in my mouth. Still I ran my hand down her curves taking in the soft feel hoping they would start up some sort of fire.

"Show me."


"Show me how much you missed me," she started unbuttoning my shirt. "And I'll show you just how much I missed you. But we have to make it quick. Orientation is soon."

I smirked at her. "Still ready to please your guests, I see."

"Especially the important ones. Now enough talking and fuck me already," she tore off her blouse frantically.

And that's when I remembered why I wasn't entirely looking forward to this. June has an issue with power, always believing that she was the one in control. Even in the bedroom. She always wanted to tell me what positions we should do or how fast or slow I should go. Everything was always according to her.

But not today.

I did not sit in that fucking bus for four hours just to be ordered around during sex. I believed that it was an experience for both people, and not just because I am a poet. I've always thought that way and I wasn't about to throw that belief out the window for her. Especially not her. And I let her know that as I stripped her down leaving her only in her underwear and threw her on the bed. The same bed that I wouldn't have if I didn't fuck her all those months ago. But I didn't want to think about that right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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