Original "Vanilla"

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Majority of you will find this chapter to be very familiar. This was how the chapter "Vanilla" was written for a long time until recently I changed it. In this version, Jasper and Allison go further in the elevator than what is posted now.
My reason for pulling out this mature version is because I felt like it rushed their relationship too quickly. Plus, I wanted their first time with each other the be more meaningful and I didn't want her first orgasm from Jasper to be on an elevator. Also a reader pointed out to me that Sara calling Allison shouldn't have broken up their little session in the elevator. Friends are great, but if I'm in the middle of something you better believe I'm not going to stop just because you are calling me.

I know many of you liked this version better, but for my sanity it will stay in deleted scenes. But hey, now you can revisit it here if you want!

Note: this version is the very first version I wrote. I'm talking when I had like 15 views. Sara's name in here is Stacey, and as you may be able to tell, I was just testing out Jasper/Allison's character so they may seem a little off.

Mature content ahead. Ye be warned.🍋

After stumbling into the bedroom I realized that I was alone yet again. I briefly wondered where Stacey was, but as I pulled out my phone I had a text from her explaining she was somewhere in the lobby talking to Benjie. After putting my phone on the charger I peeled off Stacey's dress and threw it to side freeing my body of it's entrapment. I replaced it for short-shorts and a white shirt ready for bed finally. I scrubbed off my makeup, threw my hair up in a messy bun and was prepared for sleep--only it didn't come. Instead my mind was whirling around all the events today which was surprisingly a lot.

I tossed and turned trying to battle for sleep but knew it wouldn't come. Instead, I sat up, turned the light on, and reached for the leather journal I received today. Within seconds I was pouring out different sorts of poems. Poems of regret, poems of sadness, poems of happiness, confidence, and determination. I was writing for such a long I almost didn't hear my phone go off. I looked at the caller ID recognizing the number. I pressed the 'SEND' button and placed it up against my ear, "Stace?"

"Hey," came her chipper voice. "Are you asleep right now?"

I pursed my lips, "If I was asleep I wouldn't have answered."

Her laughter sounded like bells, "Right! Right. Anyway," she cleared her throat, "I was in the lobby talking to Benjie when I ran into Aaron again. He was looking for you."

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, "Oh yeah?" was all I could say.

"Mmhmm. Apparently you ran off."

I paused trying to gather what to say, "I, uh, got really tired. I was going to tell him but I guess it slipped my mind. I had a lot to drink you know."

"Yeah, that's what I told him," she let out a long sigh. "Anyway I'm going to hang out over here at his apartment with a few other people if you want to join. We are playing poker soon and I know how much you love it."

I thought about it for a second but quickly shot it down, "I would but I'm seriously tired."

"Oh come on!" she moaned. "It's our senior year! We need to live a little. Not many can say they get into this convention and even fewer say they can stay up playing poker. We'll even put a little literature theme in it to make it more exciting and appropriate."

I scoffed rolling my eyes, "How the hell are you going to accomplish that?"

I could almost see her shrugging her shoulders, "We'll find a way. Please just come. It's level nine room 917!"

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