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I bought the apartment the first time I seem it. I just couldn't resist the views of the beach, although it was tainted with the view of the beach house I had now lost my love for. I was currently a week away from giving birth as werewolves pregnancies are quick.

Aryn had continuously tried to contact me the past 3 weeks I had moved out. When I went back to collect all my stuff he begged me to stay until he got angry I wouldn't listen and told me to get out.


'Amy please I'm sorry, please just stay I can't lose you baby.'

'......' I remained silent as I packed all my clothes into a suitcase.

'Amy please don't leave me ill change I'm sorry please just stay'


That continued for about half an hour until he finally gave up.


'Aryn I'm not going to change my mind, you made the decision for me the day you fell for her.' I said showing no emotion whilst removing the ring from my ring finger and holding it Infront of me.

'Your really going to do this all because of a stupid fling I had amy, your going to give up all this, me, the money, the title just because I slept with her a couple of time?'

I started at him in disbelief, after begging me to stay now he's trying to justify what he did. I threw the wedding ring right at his chest and listened as it bounced on the floor.

'Fuck you Aryn, I don't need you or your money, but I guarantee you will need me and MY baby!'

'Fine leave amy, I can get someone to replace you easily, she was better than you anyway, I don't need you, you was just some bitch I needed to claim my alpha title'


And that's what he shouted at me as I left the house with 2 suitcases filled with the stuff I had bought with my own money, everything he had bought I had left. And that was the last time I heard his voice. I had ignored all his texts, calls and occasional visits since then.

I had not yet decided if I wanted him at the birth yet but the pain in my stomach meant I was going to have to make that decision earlier than I expected. Or maybe I wouldn't


I woke up struggling to remember what had happened. My hands automatically went down to my stomach but the bump was no longer as fully grown as it had been. I shot up in panic before noticing a tiny sleeping baby next to my bed in a cot. But I was the figure on the chair next to the crib that caught my eye. Aryn was there just staring at me waiting for me to talk.

'Is he okay?' I asked showing no emotion towards Aryn but the worry could be heard in my voice regarding my small baby.

'Yeah he just panicked during his birth and kicked you which caused you to black out.' He said not taking his eyes off of me.

I didn't answer and instead went to stand up in my bed to hold my baby but my legs buckled under me as soon as I put any pressure on them.

'Woo amy slow down you've just give birth, your legs are weak!' Aryn said running over to catch me before I hit the floor.

I felt his hand hold my waist tighter as he placed me back on the bed and used his finger to pull my chin up making me look at him.

'I've never been so scared amy, I thought I'd lost you.' I could see the tear stains on his cheeks. But as much as I felt the sparks from him holding me I could still not bring myself to give in to his sadness and our connection.

'You already have lost me Aryn.'

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