One time thing

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After we lay there with my head on Aryns chest I couldn't help but think about all the emotions I felt and wondered what Aryn was thinking.

I lifted my head and stared at his calm face smiling down at me.

"You alright babe?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm just wondering what happens from here, was this just a one time thing for you?" I asked looking down as not to see his face if he was going to reject me but was left surprised when I felt his hand under my chin lifting my eyes back to his.

"You have never and never will be a one time thing, I want to prove I've changed. this time I promise you I will never let you go."

"Well in that case we better go and..."

But before I could finish we both heard Ryan cry from the room next door.

"Well I better get used to this" Aryn smiled down at me as he swung his legs out the sheets and slid his boxers back on before standing and making his way to the door. I grabbed Aryns shirt that was at the bottom of the bed and slid it over my body just before he returned with my little man in his arms lightly cooing him. as I leant forward to take him from his arms Aryn slid in behind me so I could lean against his back.

"Well aren't we like a proper little family" he said as he flicked through the channels on the tv.

Giving a small smile back whilst looking down and my yawning son I finally felt happy again but couldn't help but feel the little pang of anxiety of how long this would all last before Aryn realised he wasn't ready for all this.

Sorry it's short I just wanted to update as quick as possible. comments and suggestions always welcome :)

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