Mummy and daddy

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I had brought my little baby boy home two days after I have birth. I decided to call him Ryan as it just suited his gorgeous little face. Aryn stayed at the hospital and begged me to go back to the beach house and no matter how many times I tried to get him removed from the room I couldn't. It was a werewolf hospital and he was the alpha so no one had authority over him. But u never gave in and here I am heating a bottle up before my tiny baby boy woke up watching the beach house from the window. I could see a tall blonde woman leaving the house in a tight little green dress and heels.

As much as I wanted to say it didn't affect me I couldn't lie to myself. It hurt like a bitch. But I couldn't think about it to much before hearing tiny gurgles coming from the bedroom. I picked up Ryan and went out to the balcony picking up the milk bottle along the way.

'Hello my handsome little boy' I said to the tiny figure in my arms as he just looked up and stared at me clueless.

I felt a figure watching me and looked down to the beach only to see Aryn staring up at me.

I opened up the mind link I had kept closed for the past few weeks.

'What do you want Aryn?'

'I want to see my son' he answered sternly, still staring at me

'Aryn I have told you he is my son, you list him when you lost me'

'Please amy, please I need to see my son'

'Who was the blonde?' I could see by his face that he was shocked by my question but I didn't care I wanted to show him that I knew he didn't want me anymore and only wanted me for my son.

'Erm she was just a friend who came by for a catch up'

'Aryn I don't have time for your lies, in case you haven't noticed I now have a baby who will always be my priority, so please just move on with your life'

'Amy no please jut give me a chance, I can't move on, I don't want to, I went out with the guys last night and I was just angry because they were all talking about there mates and I thought by sleeping with her it would calm me, but it didn't as soon as I saw her in the beach house I couldn't stop thinking off you, I let her sleep in the spare room because she lived across town and I couldn't make her leave so late. I promise amy I never did anything with her. Ill never do anything with any other woman again apart from you amy!.

I could tell by the look on his face that he was being honest and that he genuinely wanted another chance. My mind was clouded when I heard the gargles of the little man in my arms. As I looked down at him I couldn't help but notice how much he looked like Aryn and I realised it wasn't fair for me to stop him from bonding with his father no matter how I felt about him

'You have 10 minutes to get up here. I'm doing this for my son not for you so don't even think that I care about you anymore.'

I looked down to see his response but he was already running along the beach to my apartment block. I went to open the door which was already blocked with the tall figure.

'Hello little man, daddy missed you and mummy!' He whispered as he took clueless sleepy child out my arms.


It had been about 3 hours and Ryan was die for another bottle so I went to the kitchen to mix some formula up leaving Aryn holding him.

'Can you show me how to do that please?'

'Erm yeah you just take a scoop out the tub level it out and add it to the water and the shake it. Then warm it up and test the heat on the back if your hand.'

I said not once looking over my shoulder at him, but I could feel his state on my back.

'Can I feed him?'

'Go ahead' I handed him the bottle after checking the temperature.

I watched from a distance as Aryn say with this tiny mini him in his arms watching him intently as he suckled on the bottle. After he burped him I told him he was ready for a nap and Ryan agreed as he let out a tiny yawn and snuggles into Aryns warm chest.

'Follow me' I lead the way to his room where his cot was. Aryn kissed his forehead before placing him in my arms for me to wrap him up in his blanket.

'Sweet dreams little man' I said as I placed him down in his cot. As I stood up I could help but notice the warm presence behind me. I automatically froze when I felt hands slide round my waist and pull me into his hard chest.

'I've never been so attracted to you then when I see you taking care of out little boy' he whispered into my ear before starting to kiss down my neck before landing on my mark which I when I lost all control. I turned round grabbed his hand and led him to my bedroom which saw us both stripped of our clothes and share a few very heated moments as mummy and daddy.

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