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Hi guys.

I am incredibly sorry for such a long wait for any updates. I promised I would be back around 9 months ago but unfortunately some bigger things got in the way. My health has been a massive issue this past year and got worse over Christmas whilst I was travelling. I have spent weeks just not having enough energy to even stand up. Due to the medication I then had to take, my mental health suffered greatly and I have been struggling with even leaving the house on most days. This is something I am only just being able to get my head around and attempting to fight against but it has certainly been a long journey.

I am massively grateful for all the people who have sent me messages asking to update and telling me how much they love my stories. It means so so much to me! I started this, having never even attempted to write a story previously and am just so surprised that so many of you like my stories. Thank you! Unfortunately I have also received quite a few messages and a few comments from those angry I have not updated, some of which have been extremely hurtful. I appreciate some of you are upset I have not updated regularly and recently but I can not help if my health is something which I need to prioritise. For me this has always been a hobby sitting alongside my studies and work but in this case I had no choice but to put my health before everything (believe me, my uni work has suffered greatly!) I am not saying any of this for any form of sympathy because I know I am incredibly lucky that I received the help when I did but I would just like to ask those who have been a little more aggressive in your messages to please be a little bit more considerate and aware the impact your words may have on someone. Especially when you do not know what that person is going through.

Finally I would really like to know what you think of my stories and if there's anything you would like to see more off or if there is one story you would prefer I focus my time on. I also wanted to know if you would prefer short chapters more regularly or long chapters less frequently. Honestly any suggestions please do let me know, send me a message if you don't want to leave a comment.

Again, thank you to all of you who have been so supportive and stuck around, it truly does mean more to me than you will know.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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