6. • fright •

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[to all who have let someone special slip out of their grasp, now haunted by the possibilities of a different outcome.]

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Sudden anxiety gripped onto her heart once she realized what was happening. She didn't really care for the fact that this was a connecting flight. In fact, Cassandra had forgotten about that long after stepping into that plane. Yet now there she was, paralyzed once the flight attendant announced they had landed in Chicago, dreadfully what seemed to be the destination for the man she'd come to have a great conversation with.

"Well..." he cooed with a sigh as he looked back at her, his seatbelt now unbuckled in preparation to take his backpack and exit the plane. Cassandra couldn't muster any words, with the exception of a pained smile. Sure, if Emilia was right about anything she had said, they would surely meet again, someway and somehow. But that thought never truly eased Cassandra's sadness. To be frank, the encounter she had been terrified of for almost a month, turned out to be the most beautiful meeting out of all her sketches. Furthermore, it seemed to surprise her once she realized she was more than comfortable around the man who had haunted for weeks, and who was now, seemingly spilling out of her grasp.

"I guess this is it," she mumbled with a plastered smile, albeit she felt as if they were saying goodbye for good. His chest heaved as he took a breath, pressing his lips together as he nodded in agreement.

"Good luck at that art museum, by the way." His smile seemed to radiate off of him as he spoke, surely a lot happier compared to when he first stepped into the plane.

"Thank you," Cassandra beamed, watching as he stooped and grabbed his backpack from under the front seat, slowly standing on his feet along with the other passengers who had intended in getting off. He stood by aisle for a moment, reciprocating the silent stares he was getting from Cassandra, as if they both knew this wasn't how it was suppose to end. Nevertheless, he took one more breath before allowing his lips to tug into a soft smile as he said his farewell. The occurrence truly pained Cassandra deep inside. And although it was hard to admit, she hoped the whole predestination Emilia had spoken of was somehow true, just for the chance of seeing him again. She watched as his back turned, only to then meet eyes with his structured face once more, now with an amused smile beaming from it.

"We're ridiculous," he blurted out with his hand resting on one of the seats.

"What?" Cassandra inquired with an airy laugh, furrowing her brows as he quickly sat down in his seat again, letting other passengers go through the aisle.

"We've been talking for hours and I never asked for your name," he added. She couldn't help but laugh at that too, although he would never know the embarrassing nickname she identified him with in her mind. An undeniable grin formed on her lips at the thought of his name being something other than ring man, but she would surely try in remembering him by whatever his true name was.

"Ryan Eckhardt," he cooed with a soft smirk, extending his hand towards her sweetly.

"Cassandra Amherst." She mentally reminded herself of that name- a name she could finally identify his face with besides that dreadful ring. Her eyes studied him one more time, seeing a swift sense of content on his face as he heard her name, quickly followed by a soft smile.

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