31. • mending •

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[to all who have waited far too long to forgive, love, or confess; all who fear the chances of it being far too late.]

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There were no words to describe the overbearing sorrow within Cassandra's heart throughout the entire process. It'd been nearly seconds after Ryan urged her to call his sister, and as she did so, it was eerily easy for the artist to feel the utter shock draping over the young blonde on the other line.

With heavy hearts, the pair hasted towards the car and drove over to pick Shay up, all while promptly making their way to the airport without so much of a word after the blonde's desperate pleas for an explanation. Seeing such desperation and terror hovering over Ryan was by far the worst sight Cassandra could be confronted with. Through the painstaking drive, the young artist noticed the socialite's immediate response to stress, which evidently, consisted of unbroken silence from him as his mind raced recklessly. Furthermore, the deafening silence from him continued all throughout the airport and the fateful flight.

"I'm so sorry," Cassandra whimpered under her breath, looking over to her right side and being greeted by the sight of Shay's smeared mascara resting upon her cheeks. The blonde did her best in searching for some sort of mirror and tissues to wipe off the excess. Nevertheless, Cassandra couldn't help but focus on the blonde's movements only to discover the ominous trembling of her hands.

Shay nodded through her tears, not being able to word out an actual response. Her head rested despondently against the airplane seat as she shut her eyes and grimaced. The actual sight of seeing so much hurt within her nearly drove Cassandra to a breaking point, aiding in the decision to look back down at her hands. After careful consideration, it wasn't long before she shifted her gaze towards the left to check up on Ryan, who was still and quiet as he nervously nibbled on his thumbnail. His face harbored a ghostly effect as it remained unaltered with terror, and when the darkness around them was noticed by Cassandra, she ultimately felt her heart quiver at the realization as to why.

The lack of light against the three of them was an eerie irony as she focused on the plane window. It was completely shut; Ryan not even minding to actually alter that fact. And in all honesty, it was horrifying to see given the circumstances. Chills ran up her spine at the scene taking place before her eyes as she acknowledged that just as the darkness engulfed them completely, so did the sudden sorrow within the hearts of both siblings.  

It required a bit courage, but the artist took initiative in reminding Ryan that he wasn't alone. She placed her hand on top of his gently as tears whelped within her own eyes. Regardless of that, the socialite was in a deep, concerning trance and it was only when Cassandra added a soft squeeze to his hand that he nodded a bit. He hadn't looked at her though. But seeing the fear radiating off of him reassured her that while she was indeed there, just the simple gesture of a hand hold would suffice.

"Aren't you coming?" Shay asked with an unstable tone of voice; she was near the edge of breaking down completely the closer they got to her father's hospital room.

Cassandra stopped and shook her head with dread, only to then hug the blonde tightly and reassure her that it would all be alright. Truth be told, the artist never considered herself to be so emotional when it came to another person's pain, but after so much turmoil, she had decided to discard that belief about herself. Shay's quivering body was the catalyst for more tears to arise as the blonde sobbed against Cassandra's shoulder. The artist would stay by the waiting room, she had decided that immediately. Not only was it for certain privacy when it came to the Eckhardt family, but also a quick avoidance for any added tension she would imagine bringing forth with her very own presence at such a vulnerable time.

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