38. • to celebrate •

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[to all who have blessings to celebrate, all who want to cherish each second of their dreams.]

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"I'm choking," Jason uttered with a slight grimace. He continued to tug on the collar as the tie remained coiled around his neck, only to then prompt Shay Eckhardt to laugh. The glass recoiled from her lips as she covered them with her hand— avoiding to spit out the champagne with each look at the young man seemingly suffocating in the middle of such a happy occasion.

"Oh, honey. Just loosen it up." Betsy's red nails made their way over to Jason's tie, tugging it a bit before she included her classic display of affection through a swift pinch of his cheek. "You're much too cute to die in the middle of a wedding, dear."

"Aw, don't you love sweet Grandma taking care of you?"

The young man chuckled at Shay's words. In truth, he'd grown to be used to the endless affection from the elder when he was ever near Cassandra. During the glorious days he was off work, the pair would often end up having a meal at the diner and it went without a single shred of doubt that Betsy Locksmith would be there with open arms. It was rather weird what to call the elder's role in his life. Grandmother? Actual mother? He couldn't really decide. But either way, it was a similar affection Cassandra received all the same. And in all honesty, he was rather honored to be the object of such care from the sweet woman.

"Ah, sweetheart. Don't forget you're part of my family now. Grandma will take care of you, too," Betsy mumbled with a lively grin towards Shay.

The blonde smiled. She honestly couldn't think of a better person to show her genuine and incredible love. Shay Eckhardt had always been immune to surprises when it came to disappointing love. Yet, it seemed as if Seattle was quite untouched by any subtle amounts of prejudicial love from what she'd seen so far. Betsy Locksmith was the epitome of undying love, and while it was difficult to admit, it seemed like her own brother was struck with the glorious blessing of true love as well. But if there was one thing she'd realized, it was the ever growing respect morphing within her soul. She finally learned to make sure to accept herself first and foremost. And that decision made the simple act of being happy for her own brother that much easier.

"Well, as long as I get more pie I think I won't mind at all," she answered back with a smile.

"You can have as many you want, pumpkin."

Jason remained seated between both women as they talked, awkwardly sipping on his drink with the expectation of getting an offer on that pie as well. Nevertheless, his gaze wandered over to the center of attention that night and was elated to see Cassy greeting people with Ryan by her side. It wasn't long before he nudged Shay to look over. The young woman's smile seemed to extend that much further at the sight. Both of them looked as if they were glowing with unrelenting love and excitement— seeing such enthusiasm from her brother was yet a reality to get used to.

"They look so cute," Shay muttered.

"My babies. I just cannot wait for the actual babies," the elder gushed, earning a bewildered look from Shay and Jason.

"Damn, Bets. Give them some time to breathe first," the young man chuckled. Betsy was unaffected, however, shrugging it off with firm confirmation that a full basket of newborns would be the next best thing for her to pour her love to.

"Ah, guys!"

The trio grinned as Cassandra made her way through the tables. It was inconceivable to think of how she'd managed to drag along the marvelous but enormous pristine fabric around her body, yet it seemed to fortify Betsy's hypothesis that she looked like an actual angel across the ballroom. Ryan wasn't too far behind as he greeted some people who extended their hands to his shoulders. Unlike him, his bride was more concerned with the people who'd been there from the very beginning of her journey. She kissed and hugged everyone with little hesitation and shook her head immediately at the elder's offer for some food.

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