24. • revelation •

670 58 69

[to all who have realized the importance of certain people around you.]

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"If she lunges at me, I swear," Ryan mumbled.

The pair stood hesitantly in front of Shay's front door, all while Cassandra breathed in with the determination to finally knock after a long wait. Despite the contentment they both had towards threatening the jerk out of the gathering the night before, it proved to be quite the risk to actually come back to the blonde's home, especially after she had effectively stormed out nearly fuming at their interference.

"She won't," Cassandra countered, although it didn't mean she believed her own words. She waited a few moments before being reciprocated with a doubtful glare from Ryan as she relented. "Even if she does, it's two against one."

Ryan chuckled at her words, aiding in Cassandra's own lighthearted giggle. She waited a bit before shooting a reassuring glare at him. The young artist was waiting for confirmation from him as she held her closed fist just shy of the door. It wasn't long before he reciprocated a hesitant nod. Once the knocks lingered, they waited with palpable tension, no real idea of what they would encounter. Cassandra held onto the shimmering black dress nervously during the wait. Truth be told, she was basically carrying the entire outfit she had borrowed from the blonde hours before.

The pair jolted at the sound of the door swinging open unexpectedly which was, undoubtedly, a bit forceful.

"What," Shay hissed, "do you two have a search warrant to make sure he's not here?" The blonde's words were nearly venomous. Her face stiffened with evident hatred- as expected- towards her older brother. "Did you tell your girlfriend about Princeton, too?" she spat.

Cassandra felt her heart stop for a quick moment, recognizing that she actually didn't know anything about Princeton. Truthfully, she wasn't sure if she wanted to. "Shay, please. Don't treat us like this when you know you just dodged a bullet."

"Oh, have I? Sorry, I didn't notice. I was too busy trying to take out the knife in my back."

"Okay, relax. This was nowhere near backstabbing. Quite the contrary, actually. A simple thank you would be enough," Ryan retaliated, his dark brows furrowed. He truly hated moments like these- moments that drove him insane when he tried to understand what Shay was thinking. It seemed like either way, there was no winning when it came to her- especially when he tried his best to help her avoid any past mistakes.

"Wow," Shay breathed incredulously, "just get married while you're at it. Both of you are keen on meddling in other people's business."

"Then maybe we should get you a guy who's just as clueless as you when he's being helped," Ryan ventured. "Perfect match, probably. He should also be an ungrateful brat who can't seem to say thank you for once in his life."

The blonde remained near her door with a clenched jaw. Her locks swayed as she shook her head in disdain at her brother. Sometimes, she felt worse with Ryan more than anyone else, always expected to be what he advised her to become as if he were the father she knew she would never ask for anyways.

"Call me when you find him then." Shay was ready to shut the door with evident force, only to have Cassandra's hand hinder the action as she held it open.

"Stop it, guys. And Shay, I have your dress so please just take it."

After deafening silence and a glare from the blonde, she relented. Regardless of Shay's ever growing anger towards them, she left the door open as she walked off into her home. The pair looked at each other hesitantly, only to then follow her inside with hesitation. Nevertheless, this sudden act served as confirmation for Ryan. He knew his sister. He also knew that no matter how vivid the angry façade she had masked remained, there was a small part of her that felt gratitude. Ryan knew that no one was willing to show how much they cared for her, especially not when it came to protecting her publicly from the toxic relationship she didn't have the will to get out of. It was obvious she was a bit touched, deep down. And he knew better than to rely on her performance to know that what she felt inside was much different.

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