23. • trouble •

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[to all who wish to be appreciated for the things they do, all the things that come straight from the kindness of their hearts.]

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Shay could hear the muffled noises of everyone's breath, including her own. As expected, her first thought wasn't about her brother- far from it. She was well aware of Jess Carson's secret relationship with some other man, and while it was obvious her parents knew that too, it didn't guarantee the chances of them acknowledging it. Because that, Shay mused with annoyance, would certainly alter the prestigious image the Eckhardt's had been trying to maintain. The blonde then shot a look at her brother, only to meet eyes with a bewildered expression on his face.

It was perfectly understandable, she thought.

There he was, actually brazen enough to invite Cassandra herself to the gathering while, unbeknownst to him, Jess had other plans for- what was already- a dreadful evening. There were no clear signs for the siblings to decipher that could aid in them uncovering her motive for such a big announcement. Especially when the Eckhardt's- the pompous family ready to improve their appearance at all costs- were indeed the ones receiving the news. The room erupted with cheers from Shay's parents, all while she stood still as her brother did the same- although with a much more appalled expression etched on his face towards the impromptu announcement.

"Well, this is rather exciting news, huh?" Marilyn's voice rung out as she plastered a smile on her tightened face, intently stepping back from the hug she had just given Jess Carson. If only had she seen the utter disdain morphed on her children's faces.

"Jess," Ryan called out with a stern tone. Her eyes fell on him, and for a moment, the brief excitement etched on her face diminished. "I need to talk to you." His words came out as more of an order towards her, trying his best to not let the incredible rage seep through him. It was obvious the child was not his- that wasn't what he was concerned about at all. But that didn't mean everyone else would know that fact.

Jess' chest heaved as she gathered herself, plastering a quick smile towards the Eckhardt's before excusing herself. She took notice of Shay's rather confused and appalled expression as well, making sure to limit the eye contact as she followed Ryan out of the dining room. Once they had exited, the tension was nearly palpable. The raven haired girl knew and expected his reaction. She leaned against the wall of the hallway as Ryan halted and turned his face towards her- evident disdain written all over it.

"What did you just do?" he hissed through gritted teeth. Jess had never seen Ryan Eckhardt so enraged, or even remotely angry, in fact.

"I'm trying to smooth things out for the both of us," she retaliated quietly. "It's obvious things are pretty tense at the moment and I just needed to at least try and let everyone chill out for a sec." Jess' words sent Ryan into overall incredulity once he heard them. He was nowhere near in attempting to somehow try and understand her reasoning.

"Chill out?! You just announced your pregnancy when clearly were not together. And even though my parents know you've been seeing someone, you'd be surprised with what they'll tune out whenever its necessary. They couldn't care less about the truth."

The young man had never felt so livid. His broad chest would heave once in a while as he took deep breaths for some sanity, to no avail. He couldn't believe Jess' willingness to screw him over like that, not even bothering to at least talk to him first and foremost before making any impromptu decisions or announcements. Her eyes stayed shut as she breathed in as an attempt to gather all of her thoughts. She understood the shock of her questionable motives that prompted the sudden bomb she had dropped- nearly moments before guests were expected to arrive.

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