39. • to have •

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[to all blessed with having what you've wanted to protect for so long, avidly cherishing it with every fiber of your being.]

• • • •

Cassandra's lips pursed at the possibility, her eyes fixed aimlessly up at the ceiling in deep consideration for the name Ryan mentioned. She breathed deeply as she thought to herself, all while a coy smile flourished upon her lips. In fact, the soothing touch of Ryan's hand caressing her bare belly did its job in making her heart leap, and there was no other place she'd rather be than comfortably laying next to him during the later hours of the morning. Bare limbs were surrounded and wrapped around a sea of bed sheets as they both basked in each other's company, and it was evident both were overjoyed with the mere fact of caressing the very same belly that had been serving as a home for the unborn baby boy. It'd been a whole year since the beginning of their marriage, which only came with new lessons and blessings. In fact, Cassandra felt rather pleased with all that the marriage brought forth as it included a new start in her artistic career and overall changes in what she thought her life would consist of.

"Why does your last name make every newborn baby sound like a lawyer in the making?" she finally mumbled with a hearty laugh following shortly after. The artist rested her head atop of Ryan's bare chest as he let out an airy chuckle.

"Oh, please. I've heard of worse last names," he countered. "At least he'll have a name of a professional." Ryan continued the instinctive task of grazing his hand across her soft skin, incredibly overwhelmed each time he truly focused on his wife's stomach. It was now protruding to a greater extent than it had been months ago, solely responsible for the miraculous fact that his future son was inside. He understood it'd only been several months, and it would surely take patience to wait for the 3 other remaining months of the pregnancy before he could meet the small human evidently carrying his genes. Nevertheless, he honestly didn't want to wait any longer.

"Okay. I do like the name, so that one stays on the table," the artist mused. "How about Sean?"

"Sean Eckhardt," Ryan echoed with a growing smirk on his face. "You do realize that Sean sounds a lot more official than Hunter does, right?"

"Well, if we're going for the fact that he's going to be a big hit might as well give him a name made for the books," she laughed. "I don't know, the name sort of screams don't mess with me or my family."

Ryan shook his head as her laughter enveloped the room completely, which painted yet another grin upon his face. Truth be told, he would've never thought any of it could be possible just 2 years ago, back when the dream of having a life of his own seemed to be exactly that: a dream. It took a lot for him to realize the fact that all he had currently was indeed his own. He did have a wife; a wonderful woman who he could honestly consider to be the love of his life— the type of luxury he didn't remember having back when his entire life was ruled by image and convenience. And not only was his wife the rightful owner of a pure engagement ring with no hidden agendas, but she was also the safe haven of the child he would soon call his own. None of it made any sense if he considered the odds stacked against him, and yet no circumstances stopped the chain of events that evidently looked to be a future far beyond his control.

"Okay. So, we've got Sean and Hunter so far, and as usual the occasional options made by the rest of the world," he remarked jokingly, only to then intertwine his fingers with Cassandra's as the ring adorning one of them glimmered. He'd always thought of how it would feel so see that, a ring worthy enough to become Cassandra's property. It seemed as if not one single ring could compare to what he thought was rightfully perfect for her. Nevertheless, it was obvious the quality of the ring wouldn't matter as much to her than a ring at all. But that fact never stopped him in finding the one he envisioned. He peppered her shoulder with light kisses, which only caused the brunette to shift her body closer than ever towards his own as soothing refuge.

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