25. • snowflakes •

798 56 85

[to young souls in need of adventure, all who relish the moments you learn to savor.]

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Cassandra's eyes were difficult to pry open from the lack of sleep the night before. It seemed as if no matter where she went, her dreams shortly followed. She'd learned that by now. And Chicago was surely no exception. A swift adjustment draped over her with a pained grimace towards the bright light piercing through the hotel's heavy crimson curtains. Once she felt herself wake from the dreary and sleepy state, her body jolted as she sat up quicker than ever, sheer panic engulfing her at the unrelenting knocks against her door.

"Cassandra Amherst, I haven't seen you in over a week. You can't keep throwing away precious time!"

The brunette nearly sighed as a grin played on her lips in realization. It was by far the quickest outfit change of her life as she slipped out of her pajamas and into appropriate Chicago winter attire. Brushing her teeth and hastily attempting to get ready so fast was a true challenge. However, the lack of sleep was a distant memory right then as she snatched up a scarf she was fully aware would be vital to survive such drastic temperatures, along with the bulky winter boots she could've sworn she wouldn't need on this trip- a clear sign of underestimation on her part. It wasn't long before her hotel door swung open as she wore a coy smile.

"Jeez, you're a heavy sleeper," Ryan remarked with a quick peck on the brunette's lips.

"Only when I haven't slept at all." Cassandra nearly beamed at him as she allowed herself to take in the sight, surely of the man she couldn't seem to get enough of.

"Well, sleep is for the weak. It's about time we have time for ourselves without pesky distractions," he winced towards his own words as he referred to his own family, making Cassandra chuckle slightly. "It's a full on snow day."

"Bring it on, Eckhardt. I'm expecting the best Chicago experience in history."

They walked side by side across the hotel halls, on their way to the elevator as they savored the rather cozy and warm temperature that would surely be missed after a few short minutes outside of the building. Truth be told, Ryan wasn't particularly fond of the cold weather, although it was easier to get used to after a while. Nevertheless, any weather was possible to bear when it came to spending some actual time with Cassandra. He found himself staring intently as she continued to speak about something- a topic he was clearly not able to focus on. He had no doubt her breathtaking aura was nearly captivating. She looked cute with the plum beanie, he ventured.

"Oh my God, you completely blanked out on me just now!" Cassandra gaped, only to then playfully slap his shoulder as she did so. There was absolutely nothing he could say to save himself from that one, merely wincing.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Cassandra squinted her eyes teasingly as her head shook. The brunette chuckled dismissively before speaking again with a clear smirk. "I said that I can't wait to get some snow in my hands so that I can hit you with it."

"Violent this early? Yikes."

She laughed before admitting the truth about her words earlier, explaining she had been talking about the heartwarming moment between the Eckhardt siblings the day before. Truthfully, the artist couldn't be happier with the fact that Ryan finally had his sister back. With Shay, the young artist could rest in peace knowing that Ryan wasn't completely fending for himself.

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