• afterword •

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[to you; the one who gave this story a chance, the one who stuck by and watched every character blossom. thank you.]

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If there's one thing more evident than anything else, it's that the story of Cassandra Amherst and Ryan Eckhardt will forever remain in my heart. Although rarer than most, this type of genuine and pure love can indeed be found. When true love is at stake, no distance or circumstance can serve as an obstacle to reach that loved one. This fact is something I strived to emphasize through the lives of these two young souls, who seem to find comfort in each other's company.

Family will always remain as the one aspect of life that we cannot pick on our own, yet it can be considered to be the one part that enables us to fortify our truest forms. Furthermore, there is also a far more life altering decision we all tend to make at some point, and that is who we end up choosing to live on with. If there's one sure thing in this life, it is this: you will face countless struggles, but the person you fall in love with will be the one chosen to struggle with you. As we grow older, it is often inevitable to grow a bit cynical. This fact is true for countless areas in our lives; whether it be love, family, or the concept of our own person. Many fall victim to a deadly disease; and it is often considered to be the tragedy of a poisoned, cold heart. Unfortunately, this reoccurring tragedy of allowing love to wither away with each passing day continues until at some point, all one can do is look back and be confronted with all the relationships lost along the way. Some people actually never identify the deadly poison, and it's not long before it's too late to make amends.

That is one of the main reasons why I wanted to share this particular story. It was not only to explore the journey of finding true love, but to emphasize the importance of love in general. As humans, we are prone to seek for affection and care from others; sometimes in the wrong places. Regardless of the hope of finding that special someone along the way, let's never forget the first haven where all the first signs of love are prone to originate: Family. Sure, there will sometimes be bickering and anger, but no other group of people within your life will aid in the ultimate lessons of genuine love.

From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope that along this journey you have somehow identified yourself with one, or all of the characters within the story. I also hope you found meaning in the overall essence of it and finished with an altered view about your own life. Every single character in The Art of Knowing played a specific role— no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. My wish is that you found some of these buried qualities within them, and eventually learned something from each.


From Cassandra Amherst, to never dismiss the chances of finding genuine love again. No matter if it's a romantic relationship or simply platonic, always hold on to the truth that caring for another human being is indeed possible after so much hurt. Allow your heart to mend, and rebirth the hope of loving again. Remember that despite the pain or trauma you could have faced in the past, happiness is right around the corner.

She loved and she lost. Through the horrid absence of her parents, Cassandra was well aware that no one could replace such essential support in her life. The artist tried to cope with the pain within her heart, and seemed to find some solace through the everyday task of art. Little did she know that she wouldn't be immune from love. Everyday people eventually morphed into her emotional lifelines and the thought of loving anyone as much as she loved her own parents seemed not only absurd, but terrifying. Nevertheless, she took a chance. And that choice alone turned out to be the greatest lesson of her life.

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