13. • hearts and colors •

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[to all with pure hearts, refusing to allow your circumstances change your smile. never change.]

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The sudden outburst made Cassandra jolt instinctively, only to then allow an airy laugh to escape her lips once she looked at who had shouted. Little Yasmine was known for her excitement when coloring, and today was no exception. Cassandra watched as the small child colored furiously, her plump hand squeezing the purple crayon with great force as her once pristine paper was now covered with purple streaks.

"Uh, Yasmine, try using less pressure on the crayon. Okay?" The little girl looked up at the artist, swift shame overtaking her small face as her lips pouted subtly. It was enough for Cassandra to kneel down to her eye level with the intent of consoling- children had always been her weakness.

"I didn't mean it like that, pumpkin." Cassandra cooed softly with a sweet smile. "Just try coloring softer, that way the paper doesn't rip," she explained, grabbing a hold of a green crayon and coloring gently on a spare piece of paper as an example. It wasn't long before she had drawn a simple tree, showing Yasmine her creation with a suggestive lift of her dark brows.

"I want my tree purple," Yasmine mumbled hesitantly.

"It can be whatever color you want! You're the artist, remember?" The artist's lips flickered into a grin once the small child reciprocated it, suddenly grabbing her crayon once again with a gentler approach. It wasn't long before the young artist stood up on her feet, her eyes happily trailing over the group of children avidly coloring and drawing till their heart's content. She always loved these type of days, the days where she could share even if it were just an ounce of her talent with youthful souls who appreciated it. A light smile played on her lips at the thought of the art program in the small elementary school. The small fairs seemed to pick up their pace now. There was nothing more encouraging than seeing citizens willing to bring their children for a small art session, something she'd always prayed the children had the chance to experience. Waves of nostalgia engulfed as she thought to herself and her past. Her father would've been incredibly proud of her, that much she knew. He had always proclaimed the shared talent she obtained from him since she was a young girl and while she hadn't seen its importance back then, it proved to be the one memory she would cherish forever.

"I had a feeling you were behind this."

The familiar voice echoed in the classroom. Her smile grew all at once, not only because of the sight of such young children expressing themselves through colorful sketches, but the lovely song of Emilia's voice lingering in the classroom. The young artist turned swiftly at the sound- unmistakable giggles and patters ringing into Cassandra's ears as Emilia's children entered with her.

"Who else?" Cassandra prompted happily accompanied by a suggestive lift of her brow. She smiled widely at Emilia's support- she was never hesitant in bringing her own children to the new after school art program. The young artist embraced the young girls happily. Denying their relation to their parents was futile, soft blonde locks cascading over their small frames with grace- eerily similar to Emilia's own liquid gold framing her face- and the mix of hazel eyes that seemed to be sweeter than honey itself. It was a sweet sight as she watched, palpable eagerness engulfing the girls as they snatched boxes of crayons and stacks of paper.

"I've heard good things out there," Emilia said, jerking her head over to the group of parents gathered in their own conversations.

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