Crash Landing

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I slowly opened my eyes. I looked round and saw the gaping whole in the side of the plane. I couldn't hear a thing except for a loud ringing in my ears. Someone grabbed my chin and yanked it towards them. I looked and saw that it was Zeke. He was yelling something at me but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I opened my jaw and my ears popped and suddenly I could here again.

My ears were filled with the sound of rushing wind and loud, ear piercing screams. Alarms were going off. Bright red. Like the color of blood.

The sirens going off were extremely loud and hurt my ears. It must have been excruciating for a human to hear it.

The plane was dropping and spinning in circles as it fell. Zeke then yelled into my ear;


I nodded and unbelted my seat belt and stood up. I was immediately flown into the side of the plan/my seat from the wind knocking me down. Zeke got on the floor next to me and nodded. I nodded back. We began crawling towards the hole in the side of the plane. I looked up into Zeke's eyes. They were such a dark green right now. Like the kind of green that you see before a really bad storm or tornado comes.

We can do this. We have to do this. He spoke into my head. With the hand he wasn't holding my hand with, he pushed some hair out of my face. I kissed him ad whispered into his mind;

Let's go.

We both jumped out of the plane and grabbed each others hands and held on for dear life. The plane was spiraling down leaving clouds of black smoke behind in whirls and patterns. I looked down and saw trees fast approaching. Zeke angles his body to the right and I did the same so we could avoid the trees and land and hit the water instead. Even as a vampire, we could not survive this fall. We were about 1500 feet in the air now. 1000. 500. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the impact.

It felt as if a million tiny pebbles were thrown at my body, hitting everywhere at once. The stinging sensation that ripped at my skin that made me scream. I did scream, but nothing came out. The pain hurt so bad I could not control my voice.

I came up from the water, gasping for air. Then I remembered I was a vampire. I didn't need to breathe air. I wiped my eyes and frantically looked for Zeke. He was stuck in a tree. He had missed the water and was impaled with a branch sticking out of the center of his chest.

Such a shame darlin'. I liked him. He was a good brother.

I looked over and stared in horror as Orfeo casually leaned against a tree. He gave me a nod and turned around, walking back into the forest.

I swam to the edge of the lake and gasped as soon as I came out of the water. I looked down and saw my foot completely twisted backwards. I shook my head and paid no mind to it. It would would heal after I drank blood. I ran with my vampire speed to the tree where Zeke was impaled. I half climbed half jumped up to near the branch where Zeke was.

I took one look at him and felt as if my heart was shattered. His once beautiful bronze skin was now the color of ash. His green eyes were fading and they were fading fast.

I leaped down from the tree and fell down from the pain radiating from my ankle. I sat down and twisted it so it was facing the right way. I then ran to the nearest body and drank blood. A lot of blood. then looked around, in a frantic motion, seeking a dead body. I lifted my nose in the air sniffing for one. I smelt one and got on all fours and just ran towards it. I was no longer in a sane mood. I had one thought in my mind and one thought only.

Save mate.

I was right in front of the body when I completely collapsed onto the ground. It felt as if someone had hit me with a crane ball. I started spasming uncontrollably out of pain, clawing at me chest. I looked over to where Zeke was and saw that he was trying to pull himself free.


I screamed into his mind and he looked right at me. As soon as he stopped trying to free himself, I was back on my feet grabbing the person who was injured. I picked the person up and started sprinting towards Zeke. I didn't feel my feet on the ground and gasped. I looked behind me and almost fell strait to the ground when I saw my wings. I shook my head and thought to myself there is time for that later. SAVE MATE! I had reached Zeke in a matter of seconds and threw the dying person over my shoulder. I grabbed Zeke with both hands and pulled.

He gave way and as he slid free of the branch, he opened his eyes and screamed. An ear curtailing scream. I held on to Zeke with a death grip and angled myself straight down, towards the ground. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I gently put Zeke down and took the dead persons arm; a woman's, and bit into it creating a bite mark and held it to Zeke's mouth. His eyes shot open as he grabbed the woman's arm and held it tight to his mouth, draining her. When he was done, he collapsed. His body starting to heal itself. I sat and cried, holding onto Zeke's hand leaning into his chest hoping that there was a good, he would heal him.

It had started to rain and I looked behind me and saw my wings. They were pure white with swirls and dots the colors of light blue and silver. There were also very large spots of crimson red that the rain could not wash out.

I turned back to Zeke and watched him. My eyes shot open and almost popped out of my head in realization.

I was a nephilium. A part angel, vampire. A contradiction. Part Hell, part Heaven.

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