The Beggining

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********Beginning of Flashback*******

I had raised Clary to the best of my ability. She had grown to be a very quiet, small child. She was my precious. My darling. The center of my world. My daughter.

When she was growing up she rarely spoke. I had feared she was going to mute herself for she had not spoken for almost a year. But thankfully, she did not.

A family had moved in across the street from our elaborate and beautiful mansion. And that family had a small son.

He was about a month older than Clary. What surprised me though, is how they met.

One night, I was staying up late at night reading some of Jessie's journals when I heard Clary yell for me. I rushed to her room down the hall to see what was wrong.

Servants of the underworld have been chasing after us for years and I had a quick thought go through my mind that a servant had somehow found us and was attacking Clary. I quickly dismissed that thought and slowed my pace as I neared her room.

I opened the door and Clary was sitting on her bed; patiently waiting for me.

"Daddy, will you come here please?"

Clary was eight at the time. She had such proper poster and English skills that is were as if an adult woman had been trapped in an eight year olds body.

"Of course. What is the matter?"

"A family will be moving into that house," she nodded her head towards the house across the street, "and they have a boy. He is not much older than me.. Maybe a year older? Only by a couple months though."

".....Okay..... Is that all dear?"

"Yes. You can go now daddy. I just wanted to tell you about the family moving in tomorrow."

At that, she smiled, grabbed both sides of my face and kissed my forehead. She then smiled again at me, and laid down.

"Well alright. I love you darling." I leaned down and kissed her forehead also, but the booger was already sleeping! I chuckled and quietly closed the door behind myself and walked back to my bed, collapsing and falling asleep.

The dream I had that night was not a dream at all; but a nightmare.

Clary was being attacked. The servants had found us. I was being held down and restrained every way possible so could not get up and help her. I felt terrible. I felt horrified.

I felt scared.

The servants had begun taunting her; saying things that were to soft for me to hear but by the look on Clary's face I would have guessed they were screaming at her.

I looked away for only a brief second to the surroundings that encased this terrible nightmare.

It was hell.

It had to be. There was nothing but fire. the ground looked as if it were red hot lava; but unmoving. As if it were frozen in time. I realized that I felt nothing. I just felt the fear and panic coming from within my own mind.

I looked at my beautiful darling daughter getting tortured and prayed for my nightmare to end.


Sorry guys I know I haven't updated in a realllllllly long time. I will try and update ASAP!!! Sorry guys!!! Thanks for all the reads, comments and votes!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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