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I awoke to the curtains blowing in the breeze because the window was open and gasped when I looked down.

My stomach had doubled in size over night. It was as if I was seven months pregnant.

I sat up and looked around, scanning the area for Tobias or Zeke and saw nothing.

I was back in my own room, not in Tobias'. The last thing that I remembered was Tobias taking my hands in his and me showing him my whole life.

I immediately plopped myself back down on the bed after remembering everything that I had found out last night.

I had two mates. I was literally half Angel and half Demon. Zeke was my Demons' mate. Tobias was my Angels' mate. I had two mates. My baby was definably Zekes'... But I was still so confused!

How could I have two mates!? I understood that I had two halves; one Angelic and one Demonic. If Zeke was my Demonic sides mate, and Tobias was my Angelic sides mate... What did that make my baby? I know Tobias has nothing to do with my baby because I had never met before until last nigh but.. I still felt as if he had something to do with Clara(the baby)..

What was my baby? Was she full Demonic? Or like me? Half good half evil? Was she full Angel? Was that even possible?

As I though this, the door to my room crashed open and Zeke walked in.

"Where the hell have you been!?! I looked for you yesterday because I had a vision!! I need you Zeke!! And you weren't there!!!"

"I know and I'm sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am but right now I'm in a hurry and I need you to do something for me."

"WHAT!?!? What the hell are you on a hurry for?!!?! WHO the hell are you in a hurry for? Zeke tell me right now or else we are done."

After I was finished talking, Zeke stopped what he was Doing and looked at me. He dropped his clothes and ran at me with his vampire speed across the room. He grabbed my face in his and started to kiss me.

The kiss wasn't filled with passion or lust or love. It was urgency, without the feeling. He was doing it just to do it. That's what if felt like for me anyways.

I felt nothing. My lips were numb. I did not, no, could not par take in this. I did not enjoy it. I did not like. I did not want this. I thought the last part and Zeke pulled away and grabbed a fistful of my hair and bent my head back a little bit.

"You found him."

"Found who? Let go of my hair!!"

"Tobias. You found Tobias. You little bitch. You should have stayed in the room. You DUMB LITTLE BITCH!!"

He took his fistful of my hair and flung me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started to pull my pants down.

Zeke was raping me. He was RAPING me. I could not believe what was happening. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I screamed for Tobias on my mind. I kept screaming and screaming hoping he could hear me. No one came through the door though. No one.

As much as I tried to struggled I couldn't win against zeke. He was to strong. I was weak from being pregnant.

He entered me and I felt nothing. Just a numbness. He started going in and out, back and forth and again, I felt nothing.

The fact that I was being raped did not matter, I was pregnant. I could not get pregnant again while I was still pregnant.

Ever since I had kissed Tobias I could not feel anything. My whole body was numb.

Ever since I kissed Tobias.


Zeke came inside of me. I felt it. He let out a soft moan and flipped me over. I tried to resist but he did not let me up. I was no match for him. He put me in doggy style and began to have his way with me. But just as Zeke was getting started, I kept screaming Tobias' name in my mind. I had never stopped.

Tobias came bursting through the door and pulled Zeke out and off of me. I quickly pulled pants and underwear up and stood watching as Tobias beat the shit out of Zeke. I enjoyed it. I liked it when Zeke was in pain.

I had just met Tobias last night. I had met Zeke months ago. Zeke and I were in love. Were is the key word. I felt nothing for him now. All of my feeling were directed at Tobias and I don't know why. I barely knew him.

I grabbed my bags and started throwing all of my things in them and once I had all of my things, I whispered into Tobias' mind,

"I'm going to your room. I have all of my things."

I heard Tobias say back,

"Alright. I will be there in a few minutes."

I walked out of the room, shutting the door. Once I got to Tobias' room I sat down on the bed after putting my bags in the corner of the room near the bathroom. A couple of minutes later Tobias walked into the room. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with the feeling for Tobias. I wanted him. I need him.

I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and began to kiss him. I caught him off guard and he stumbled into the door. His white T-shirt clung to his body and all I wanted to do was rip it off. Tare it off into shreds.

Tobias regained his footing and wrapped his arms around me. He put one arm around my upper body and the other to support my lower body. I wrapped my legs around his waste as he walked us over to the bed. He sat down and we kissed each other with passion. Need. Want. Lust. Love.

I startle him and stared to undo his pants when he shot his hand out onto mine.

"No. Not today. Not right now. We will. Don't worry. Just not today. Not after what just happened."

"But I want to I need to. I need you."

I said as I kissed his jawline and began kissing down his neck.

"No. Jessie, no. Not right now."

He got up and set me down on the bed. I could see his hard member poking threw the fabric of his pants, straining.

Tobias got up and leaned down and kissed me one last time. He then walked into the bathroom, got undressed and took a shower. I layed my head down, and eventually fell asleep in the soft comforts of the sound of running water and the feel of the pillow and bed sheets and the comforter.

**********ok hey guys I know this chapter is short and kind of boring but its a filler chapter getting ready for the next part. I probably won't be updating soon because I have a pageant that I am doing August 3&4 and I am practicing for that all week and weekend and in top of all that, I have dance everyday for at least three hours. Let me know what you guys think!!! VOT COMMENT AND FAN PLEASE!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :*:* :)

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