New Home New Life Part 1

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**********Tobias' POV**********

After I had left the area where Jessie died I just couldn't take it anymore. I broke down, balling my eyes out. I was shaking, my whole body racking with the pain that I was feeling.

I had to stop myself from crying because me shaking from hysterically sobbing was upsetting Clary. I peered down at her through my eye lashes and tears and let out a long slow breathe. She was my life now. She was the reason for my existence now. My life. My future.

I kept walking, and as soon as I found a sidewalk I put my hand up and out to signal a taxi. Sure enough, a taxi pulled up and stopped at the curb.

I climbed into the back of the cab and said the address of where I had put all of our things. The driver nodded his head and started the taxi again and took off towards the small hotel we had been staying at.

I could not believe what had happened to me. What had happened to Jessie. Or the baby. I was so flustered and deep in my thoughts that I did not notice that the car had stopped. We weren't that far from where...Clary was born....and where Jessie had died. I took a big gulp of air and forced myself to keep moving on.

I reached my hand behind me to get my wallet out.

I looked at the meter and saw that it had been cleared. There were no numbers on it. I looked at the taxi driver, having a confused look on my face.

He gave me an apologetic look.

"You don't need to pay me. You look like you've been through a lot already today."

He looked down from my face and to the bundle in my arms.

I nodded at him and climbed out of the car. I must look like a pathetic human, boy. I must look like a pathetic human boy that has a baby in his arms. No doubt my eyes are red and puffy. I look pathetic. I feel pathetic.

I'm disgusted with myself. I open the door to the hotel room and gently set Clary down on the bed, putting blankets around her so she can't go anywhere.

I tuned to all of out things and suddenly felt a surge of anger. I started throwing things across the room, not caring where it landed. I made sure not to throw anything near the bed though. I did not want to hurt Clary.

After throwing everything that I could, I started packing my own things. I left all of Jessie's things where they are. I didn't touch any of it.

Minutes later I had all of my shit packed up. I looked at the room. it was a mess. Things were strewn everywhere. Broken glass.

I went into Jessie's purse and got out the lighter she kept in it. She didn't smoke, she just kept a lighter in her purse.

I lot the lighter and held it against the paper shower curtain in the bathroom. I did the same thing but to the drapes on the window.

I walked over to Clary's suitcase. I looked down at the lit lighter in my hand and back at her clothes.

I put the lighter against a black tank top and watched it light on fire.

I picked Clary up from the bed and gathered all of her blankets also. I lit the bed on fire.

By now I could hear the crackle of the fire. I saw orange and light tinged of red all over the place.

I opened the door and looked back into the room. I shook my head and walked away.

I cradled clary in my arms and kissed her forehead.

I looked back into the flaming room. everything had caught on fire. Everything.

I left the door open and walked away. I walked through the front doors of the hotel and didn't look back. I didn't flinch when I heard the screams of innocent people.

I didn't care.


Ok sorry for taking so long to update I'm going to try and start updating very Saturday or Sunday or friday. I'm not sure but I will try....thanks for everything guys!!!!!

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