Is This a Dream?

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***Jessie's POV***

I woke up and reached my hand out behind me to feel for Zeke. All my hand found was empty space and bedsheets.

I sat up and shot my eyes opens and looked around the room. The curtains were drawn from the window and I could see the beautiful ocean. It was nighttime and the water looked as if it were sparkling.

I got up and went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet to go pee. I washed my hands and stood in the mirror and gazed at the person who stared back.

I looked different. I felt different. I knew what I had seen the day before was a vision. But what Zeke had said still bothered me a little bit.

The thought of me being pregnant baffled me. It was a good feeling though. I had always wanted one or two kids and now that I could have them, made me happy.

I thought back to the night before and remembered the sensations that I felt, the things Zeke did. I blushed and turned away from the mirror looking out of the window that was in the bathroom.

I clutched my stomach, feeling a pain so intense that I doubled over and fell to the ground. I was gasping for air because my stomach hurt so bad. The pain was unbearable. And as I thought this, I was captured into a vision.

***the vision:***

"No. No she can't."

"Why Zeke? She's just another vampire. She has no value besides the fetus inside of her. You did your job and now you are relieved. Go home now."

I can't. That baby is mine. She is mine. And Jessie is not just another vampire. She is part angel."

After Zeke said that the man standing across from him gasped.

"That can't be. It's impossible. God and Satan himself made an agreement. The world was ruled with them once; her kind," he gabbed a finger in the direction towards a bed. A bed that I was laying on, "they almost destroyed it. The Angevil (ang-e-vill) species was destroyed for a reason. An important one. They are far to strong, carless, and destructive to inhabit the Earth."

"Jessie is different. She is not careless or destructive. She is incredibly strong yes but she is of no danger."

"I do not believe you. As being one of her kind you of all people should understand."

"Let her prove herself like I did. She can become a part of the ADP." Zeke gave the most pleading look on his face. He was begging. And for my life.

"No. She is a danger. As soon as she gives birth to that child she is to be killed. With no hesitation."

"Yes sir." Zeke looked down at his hands. He flexed them and then did something I never thought he would do to someone he knew.

Zeke flashed his hands out and twisted the mans neck, breaking it. The head rolled to the side and I felt my insides turn and my stomach drop. I stared at the face in horror as realization came over me.

Zeke had killed my father.

My father wanted me dead.

I was pregnant.

There was an agency called the ADP.

I was part angel, and part devil.

***end of vision***

I opened my eyes, gasping for air. I was laying on the floor, clutching my stomach. I let go of my stomach, backing up against the counter.

I did not show myself that vision. I was asleep when the vision happened. The only other people that were awake when it happened where Zeke, my father and the baby inside of me. I looked down with wide eyes as I realized what had happened. The baby had shown me the vision.

I needed to find Zeke. And I needed to find him now.


Hey guys sorry I know this is a really short chapter but I was having writers block so tell me how you guys liked it!!! Love ya!!!!


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