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Frank POV

Gerard was currently sat in my lap watching cartoons with his pacifier.
He let out a soft yawn and his eyes started to look tired.

"Is it time for your nap baby?" I asked and he nodded leaning his head down on my chest.

"Ok let's get you to bed." I said picking him up and carrying him up the stairs to our room.

I set him on the bed and tucked him in.
"I love you." I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead. 
He mumbled an I love you too before drifting to sleep.

~two hours later~

I figured he's been asleep long enough so I went upstairs to wake him up.

"Gee wake up." I said sitting next to his sleeping body.

"Come on baby. Wake up." I said and he turned with a grunt before his eyes fluttered open.

"I have a surprise for you." I said softly.

"W-what is it daddy?" He asked stretching his arms out.

"Go downstairs and see." I said and he got out of bed and ran down the stairs with me following behind.

"YAY THANK YOU DADDY!" He yelled when he saw the little bracelet kit on the coffee table.

"Can we make some?!" He asked sitting on the floor between the couch and the coffee table.

"Of course baby. Do you want me to put on your cartoons?" I asked and he nodded.

I put his cartoons on and went to the kitchen to make him a snack.

I got out his Elsa bowl and put vanilla yogurt in it with a few drops of red food coloring to make it pink.

I know! I know!
why don't you just give him strawberry yogurt?
Well he doesn't like strawberry...

I cut up an apple put it on his Ariel plate and carried his snacks to the living room.

"Yummy thank you daddy." Gerard said and started to eat.

"Your welcome gee." I said sitting on the floor next to him.

"Daddy I gonna make you bracelet and you make me bracelet. Ok?" He said excited.

"Ok baby." I said and started working on a bracelet for him while he started one for me.

After I was done with the bracelet I looked over to check on his work.

"How you doing?" I asked but he pulled the bracelet out of my view.

"Daddy!! Don't look! You can't know that is says!!!" He cried.

"Ok I'm sorry." I said.

About a minute later Gerard started talking again.

"Uh daddy? Does daddy has one d or two d's?" He asked.

"One d... But the word has two d's." I said with a straight face and Gerard started giggling.

"Ew Daddy I meant the word!" He giggled.

"I'm almost done!... Daddy Can you tie it?" He asked holding it out.

"Sure." I said and tied it for him.

"Ok now I'll give you this one and you give me that one." He said giving me the bracelet he made me.

It has pink and clear beads. The letters read "daddy" it was very pretty just like my little baby.

I handed him the one I made which has purple and clear beads with the worlds baby boy.

"Thanks daddy it's so pretty!" Gerard squealed and sat in my lap.

"Your welcome. I love you baby." I said as he hugged me.

"I love you to daddy." He said and kissed me.


I know it's short but they will get better and maybe some smut!

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