Chubby daddy

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Gerard loves His daddy and his daddy loves him. When Gerard felt bad about his body Frank always made him smile and forget about that. Frank made him love himself again. Now it's Gerard's turn to make Frank happy about his body.

As the little walked down the stairs in his short black skirt and red shirt. He looked for his daddy and finally found him in his office. He had the guitar strap over his shoulders as his tattooed hands played.

"Daddy." Gerard called sweetly and Frank looked up.

"Hey baby how was your nap?" Frank asked.

Gerard didn't actually take a nap. He was just laying in bed thinking about his daddy and how sad he's been looking lately. Frank had been gaining a lot of weight due to his pills. Of course Gerard didn't mind (he actually found it attractive) but Frank has been down.

"It was good. But daddy, can I ask you something?" Gerard asked walking over to Frank. Who put his guitar on the stand and pulled Gerard into his lap. Gerard's hands immediately went to work at scratching and touching Franks stubble

"Of course baby. You can ask me anything." Frank said and kissed Gerard's soft lips.

"Are you sad?" Gerard asked and Frank looked a little surprised by his question.

"No. Why?" Frank said and Gerard smiled.

"Because you look sad and I don't want you to be sad. I want you to be happy, daddy." Gerard said and Frank smiled, kissing his baby.

"No gee. I've just been stressed out with work." Frank said but Gerard frowned.

"I saw you looking in the mirror today and you didn't look happy. You looked sad!" Gerard said.

"Gee I- I'm just. Not happy with my body right now." Frank said with a sigh and Gerard gave him a confused look.

"But why?" Gerard asked.

"Because I'm not exactly as good looking as When we first met." Frank mumbled.

"But daddy I love your body! I really really love your chub. It's so warm and comfy! It doesn't matter what you look like. Your still my daddy forever!" Gee smiled and hugged his daddy while planting soft kisses to his tattooed neck.

"Mm love you gee." Frank said while he was snuggled up with Gerard.

I love you too daddy!" Gee said.

"Frankie when are you gonna be happy again?" Gerard asked pulled away from the hug.

"Gee I'm happy now. You make daddy feel so special." Frank said.

"That's because you are special." Gerard said.

Gerard got and idea on how to make Frankie feel even more special.

Gerard kissed Frank's lips and then went to his neck trailing small kisses to a spot where he knew Frank was sensitive. He started to suck on the skin making Frank groan.

"Come on." Frank said sitting up and carrying Gerard to their room.

Gerard crawled onto the bed as Frank took his pants off and Gerard slid his skirt off of his hips.

Frank was about to grab lube to stretch The little but Gerard stopped him.

"No daddy. I just wanna make you feel good." Gee said and Frank kissed him before taking off his shirt.

Gerard pushed Frank down and started trailing kisses along his neck and chest. He placed kisses over every tattoo on Frank's chest.

"Hm love you baby.." Frank said as Gerard started moving lower.

When he go to Frank's boxers he pulled them down and kissed around his dick. Gerard finally kissed his tip before taking it into his mouth and sucking softly.

Frank groaned and reached down to grip Gerard's hair. Gerard took Frank deeper into his mouth and swallowed around him making Frank moan.

The littles mouth was heaven for Frank and a true blessing to be able to experience his dick being in it.

Gerard pulled off and caught his breath before going back to work. "Fuck.. baby.." Frank couldn't stop the words from flowing out of his mouth in a long moan. Gerard slid his tongue over Frank's slit sending a wave of pleasure through him.

With Gerard on his knees for him Frank felt power over the smaller one. Franks grip on Gerard's hair tightened and he stared moving his head up and down faster giving Gerard small breaks to breath.

Frank was a moaning mess as he felt his stomach tighten. He couldn't hold it any longer so he released into Gerard's mouth. Gerard swallowed and took some deep breaths as he looked up at his daddy. "I love you Frankie." Gerard said with a toothy smile.

As Frank caught his breath he looked down and pulled Gerard into his arms. "I love you too my flower." Frank said and kissed Gerard deeply.

"You're beautiful.." Gerard mumbled as he laid down next to Frank.

Taylor (yay.)

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