Sleepover With a Stranger

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Leathermouth Frank and sweetheart Gee<3

Gerard might have chosen the best night to buy a few new pairs of panties.
It was 8:35 and the store was about to close.

He had found the perfect pairs and was about to walk to the check out when he ran into someone and tripped.

He fell head first and his skirt flew over his butt showing off his black lace panties. He let out a loud whine when he saw that his new panties had scattered across the floor.

"Oh shit Fuck. Are you ok??" Someone said trying to help him up.

Gerard stood up and flattened out his skirt before looking up at the guy with watery eyes.

A blush spread across Gee's face when he realized that this guy had seen his panties and his butt.

"Oh my gosh!!" Gerard said covering his mouth and his face got even redder and a few tears fell.

"Hey. It's ok sweetie I didn't see much." The guy said smiling.

He bent down and picked up Gerard panties that he dropped. "How about I pay for these? Just an apology present." He said and Gerard just nodded while he whipped his eyes.

"What's your name sweetie?" Frank asked.

"Gerard.. B-but you can call me Gee." The small boy said and Frank smiled.

"That's a cute name. You can call me Frank." He said.

"Is there anything else you wanted to get?" Frank asked and Gerard softly nodded grabbing Frank's tattooed hand before leading him.

"I want one of those." Gerard said pointing to a few pacifiers.

Frank knew what was happening here. Gerard was obviously a little. He knew all about this stuff.

"Oh. Ok sure. You wanna pick one out?" Frank asked and Gerard nodded grabbing a blue and green one that said little boy.

"Ok Pumpkin. Is that all?" Frank asked and Gerard nodded.

Frank grabbed Gerard's hand again and took him to the check out.

When they walked out of the store it was raining.

That was just wonderful.

Gerard walked to the store and now he had to walk back home in the rain.

"Are you ok?" Frank asked because Gerard was just standing there staring at the rain coming down.

"I have to walk home in the rain." Gerard said and sighed.

"No no no. I don't want a little prince like you to walk in the rain all alone. You might get hurt or sick." Frank said and grabbed Gerard's hand.

"I'll drive you home. It's no problem." He said and pulled Gee into the rain.

When they got to Frank's car he quickly put Gerard in and buckled him. (Because he's a gentleman.)

Frank got into the drivers side and reached into the back seat grabbing a blanket that he kept back there.

"Here. So you don't get cold." Frank said handing it to Gerard.
Gee set it on his lap and cuddled into the soft fabric.

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