E10 Part 5: Sacrifice

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Inside Unit Zero

Shinji woke up with a start. Unfamiliar ceiling. Again.

He sat up straight. Still in his plug suit. Still in the room with the white tiles (though had there always been bloodstains on the floor?). No sign of Rei. Or whoever that had been.

"Um." He swallowed. "H-hello?"


Command Center

"Asuka, listen to me," Misato said into her headset. "I don't know what that thing said to you before, but you've got to shake this off. I need you to shake this off." She covered up the mike with her hand. "Is she even listening?"

Makoto nodded. "Link's active. She can hear you."

She uncovered the mike. "I think I know how you feel. You're embarrassed, aren't you? I've been there. Trust me. I've made my fair share of mistakes. But I've learned from them. I've gotten better because of them. And we both know sitting around and moping isn't going to change anything!" She softened her voice. "C'mon, Asuka. Talk to me. Let me help."

Silence. She held her breath. Then she heard a click in her ear.

Makoto shook his head. "She's cut the link, Captain."

Misato tore the headset off of her head and threw it to the ground with a frustrated growl. She took in a breath and ran her hands through her hair.


Inside the TARDIS

The Doctor stared at the image of the pale girl in front of him. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Why do people keep asking me that question today?" he muttered. "Is it my face? Is there a bit of genocide stuck in my teeth or something?"

Rei tilted her head. "Should I repeat the question?"

"No, just -- oh, forget it." The Doctor shoved his hair back in irritation. "I'm called the Doctor for a reason, Rei. I don't kill. Not unless I have to. Not if there's even so much as a hint of another option."

Not anymore, at least, the Eighth whispered sadly in the back of his head.


Commander's Office

"I see," Rei said. "Perhaps I should rephrase the question."

"I should hope so!"

"If necessary, are you capable of permanently destroying my consciousness?"

"That's really not better," the Doctor said flatly.

"I am sorry to bother you with this." Rei lowered her eyes. This conversation was already proving more difficult than she had anticipated. "You may be the only individual on the planet who possesses the necessary knowledge and technology."

"It's not a bother, just -- Rei, where is this coming from?"

"I..." She looked away. "I am attempting to take precautions."

"Precautions against what?"

Rei took a deep breath. This would likely prove to be upsetting.


Inside Unit Zero

He eventually got tired of sitting around helplessly. On top of that, he really liked the idea of getting away from those bloodstains on the floor.

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