E9 Part 5: Running on Faith

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Secondary Dogma. Block 6, Level 3, Room 5.

Shinji looked back and forth between the Doctor and the collection of artworks at the other end of the storeroom. The Doctor seemed to have his gaze locked on a bronze statue positioned next to the elevator door. The sculpture in question was of a nude man with a pensive expression sitting on a rock, his chin resting on his hand. The figure's arms were both poised over his right knee.

"So... just wondering out loud here..." The Doctor swallowed. "Rei, do you need to blink? Biologically, I mean?"

"I think so, yes," Rei said.

The Doctor sighed. "Yeah, didn't think it'd be that simple. Oh, well."

"Seriously. Doctor." Misato stepped towards him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"See where I'm looking? The philosopher with a gym membership?" The Doctor carefully pointed with his chin. "Look at it. All of you, I need you to look at it. Do not let it out of your sight. Not even for a second. And Captain, if you'd kindly point your torch over in that direction..."

Misato gave Shinji a sidelong glance. He shrugged. She shook her head and unclipped the big flashlight from her belt. "Okay, okay..." She turned it on and levelled the beam at the statue. "So there's a point to this, right? Other than just making me feel like --"

The lights in the storeroom turned off.

"-- an idiot," Misato finished. She eyed the ceiling.

"It knows it's been spotted." The Doctor shifted his jaw. "Must've infected the local systems around here somehow. That's how it managed the cameras and the texts."

Misato narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean it?"

"I'll show you." The Doctor took a wide step back, pushing Shinji and Rei behind him. "Captain, when I give the word, turn off the flashlight, then back on again. Quick as you can."

"All right..." Misato flicked the switch. The room vanished into darkness. "Off -- on."

The beam flashed back to life. Everything looked exactly the same.

Shinji gave the Doctor a confused glance. Rei didn't move her eyes, but she tilted her head.

"... few more times, maybe?" the Doctor asked.

Misato sighed. "Off -- on." The beam flickered. "Off -- on. Off -- on. Off -- oh fuck me."

Shinji froze. The statue now stood fully-upright a short distance away from them, its hands twisted into claws. Its mouth hung open as if caught in mid-howl, revealing rows of sharp, needle-like teeth.

In the corner of Shinji's eye, he saw Misato slowly raise the handgun.

"Knew that'd do it. They hate it when you play with them. Gah..." The Doctor made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat. He sounded more irritated than anything, like he'd missed a pinball shot or something. "Should've seen it sooner. Just wasn't expecting it, that was my problem. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I knew something must've fallen out of the rift here. More Cybermen, I figured. Maybe an Elemental Shade. But this?" He sniffed. "I don't even have a clue how it ended up in the Void."

"Doctor!" Misato snapped. "Moving statue. Statue that moves. Why is the statue moving?!"

"Because it's not a statue," the Doctor said grimly. "It's a... well, let's just call it a Lonely Assassin right now. Keep it simple." He took in a breath. "Here's the rules -- as long as you can see it, it can't move. But soon as you turn your head -- soon as you blink -- it's free. And it's fast. Faster than you can imagine."

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