E11 Part 4: Welcome Home

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Inside Shinji Ikari

< dialogue begin >

"location": {
"summary": "He sits inside of the train car",
"description": "(old-fashioned woodwork leather straps hanging from ceiling luggage racks overhead smell of sweat and diesel and tears)",
"identity": "the train his father sent him away on a long time ago",
"associations": [ "bad place", "lonely place", "liminal space", "between place" ]
"personae": "On the bench across from him sits a small child in a zebra-striped shirt.",
"action": "He speaks:"

- Who are you?

> Shinji Ikari.

- You're me?

> Yes. I am the you that is inside of you.

- Oh. Like a hidden observer?

> What's that?

- It's this thing I read about. When you hypnotize certain people, there's this part of them that remains aware of what they're doing. It doesn't resist or try to wake them up or anything. It just watches. Is that what you are?

> Something like that, yes.

- Oh. Am I being hypnotized?

> No. You are dying.

- Oh. That's... not good.

> Yes.

- Is there anything we can do about it?

> I don't think so.

- ...
- So what now?

> Now, we talk.


Express Access Elevator BRACHIAL-C8. NERV Headquarters.

Asuka paced across the confines of the small elevator like a caged tiger, fuming. When she could no longer stand the silence, she turned and demanded, "Can you believe him?!"

Rei stood at the front of the elevator facing the door. She didn't turn around. "You are referring to Pilot Ikari?"

"Well, doy! Who else?!" Asuka shook her head with a growl. "It's unbelievable! After everything I've done for him -- after I forgave him for beating me half to death last week -- this is how he acts?! I mean, the nerve of him!"

"I am told that the data from Pilot Ikari's plug suit showed he spent the entirety of that incident in an unconscious state," Rei said. "It seems unlikely he contributed to Unit Zero's actions during that time."

"What the hell does that matter?!" Asuka angrily tossed back her hair. "A pilot should always be in control of himself and his Eva!"

"... I see."

Asuka didn't notice the other girl start to slowly rock back and forth on her heels.

"Just who the hell does he think he is, anyway?" Asuka began to pace again. "What makes him think he has the right to talk to me like that?! How does that even work inside his head?!"

"You did imply at one point that he needed to stand up for himself."

"Not like that!"

"I see," Rei said. "Perhaps you should have specified."

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