Prequel to Episode 10

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NERV Internal Use Only
Transcript Excerpt: First Cross-Compatibility Test
Subjects: Pilot Rei Ayanami, Evangelion Unit 01
Classified KETER

LT. IBUKI: Now entering the second hour of the test, ma'am.

DR. AKAGI: How are the readings?

LT. IBUKI: Error plus-minus zero-point-zero-three. Harmonics are regular. Synch ratio holding steady.

DR. AKAGI: Excellent. How does it feel, Rei? What do you think of Unit One?

PILOT AYANAMI: It smells like Pilot Ikari.

DR. AKAGI: At this point, I think we can safely declare that there are no detectable compatibility issues between Rei and Unit One.

COMMANDER IKARI: Good. Do we have sufficient data to move forward, Doctor?

DR. AKAGI: I believe so.

COMMANDER IKARI: Then I suggest we wrap things up for the day.

DR. AKAGI: Yes, sir. Rei, did you hear that? You can come out now.


DR. AKAGI: Rei? Is something wrong?

PILOT AYANAMI: I... I do not know.

PILOT AYANAMI: There are... I don't know any of these... [inaudible]

DR. AKAGI: Rei, talk to us.

DR. AKAGI: Is there any sign of mental contamination?

LT. IBUKI: No, ma'am. Link direction is stable. Getting some odd spikes on the psychograph, though.

DR. AKAGI: I still don't like it. This feels too much like that other time.

DR. AKAGI: Let's start disconnecting her. Slowly, please.

LT. IBUKI: Yes, ma'am. Stepping down link.

PILOT AYANAMI: [inaudible]

LT. IBUKI: Spinal nerve disconnected.

PILOT AYANAMI: [inaudible] watch [inaudible]

LT. IBUKI: Ma'am, we're detecting irregularities in Rei's wave function.



COMMANDER IKARI: Use the emergency eject if you have to. Just get her out now.

DR. AKAGI: Yes, sir. All stations, prepare for emergency neural disconnect on my mark. Five... four...

[rise in ambient noise level]

LT. IBUKI: Ma'am --

DR. AKAGI: Three --

LT. IBUKI: Ma'am, her heart just stopped.

DR. AKAGI: What?!

[rise in ambient noise level]

[inside the test chamber, Evangelion Unit 01 begins to scream]

DR. AKAGI: -- shut it down! Shut it all down! Maya, access the plug suit functions. Charge the defibrillator --


[ end of transcript ]

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