E9 Part 1: Rollin' and Tumblin'

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B-22 Special Express Car Train. The Geofront.
October 2015.

"I mean, I really don't think I'm being unreasonable here," Misato said.

Shinji suppressed a sigh and looked up from his book. Misato sat next to him in the driver's seat, her finger tapping out an uneven rhythm against the steering wheel. Behind his head, he heard the pile of storage boxes, blankets and other junk that filled the back seat shift.

There was, naturally, only one possible answer. "Well, yeah. Of course not."

"Actions have consequences in this world." Misato waved her hand. "It's just that simple."


"I mean, we're trusting you two with machines that are worth more than entire countries. We literally cannot afford to have either of you going rogue on missions. Not anymore."

"I said I was sorry."

"I know you did. And I believe you. I just --" She let her hand drop. "I need to know that both of you understand the stakes here. I know we've gotten lucky in the past, but we have to work as a team here. The entire world is depending on us."

"I get it, Misato. Really." Especially the part where I'm not even the one you need to be saying this to, he sullenly added in the back of his head.

"Look, could I just ask a question here?" the Doctor said from the back seat, his voice muffled by the pile of items on top of him.

"No," Misato answered forcefully.

"I really don't think it's going to help, Doctor," Shinji said. "Sorry."

The train pulled up to the Central Dogma station. Shinji picked up his gym bag and opened the door.

"And it's right back to the apartment after you're done here, you hear me?" Misato pointed her finger at him. "We'll never hear the end of it otherwise."

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're not just stonewalling me here, are you? I can tell, you know."

Shinji held up his hands. "I'm not -- I don't even know what that means."

"Oh, for pity's sake," the Doctor grumbled. "Just let the boy go."

Misato's eyebrow twitched. "You do understand that you're going to get shot if somebody hears you, right?"

"Less 'don't understand,' more 'actively considering whilst being crushed to death,'" the Doctor replied. "Not to sound critical, but do you really need all of these mail-order catalogues?"

Shinji sighed and got out of the car. This is it, he reminded himself as he closed the door. This is the life I said I wanted.


Secondary Dogma. Storage Block 6, Level 3, Room 5.

"-- and was it really necessary to put the big guitar amp right over my chest?" the Doctor asked as the elevator door opened.

Misato narrowed her eyes. "Depends. Did you ever actually intend to remove it from my apartment?"

He scratched the back of his head. "Well, eventually..."

"Uh-huh. There's your answer, then."

The Doctor looked around as they walked out of the elevator and into the room. "Well! This is a nice change."

The cavernous warehouse space in front of them looked more like an art gallery than a military base. Shelf upon shelf of various artworks, set up and neatly labeled for display, extended to the back of the room.

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