#158 Airports - Niall - NOT MINE

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Niall: You're so tired, still half asleep, that at first you don't notice who's in line in front of you, your headphones in, the notes of your favourite band filling your eardrums, distracting you from your sore legs and jet lag, leaving you to zone out a bit, occasionally moving forward and closer to the one open check in desk, clearly the airport is having some sort of crisis, not enough staff or something. "Hey, I love that band." You jerk your gaze from somewhere in the distance to the boy in front of you who's turned around, smiling widely, revealing white teeth set with braces, the corners of his blue eyes crinkling. He looks vaguely familiar. "Yeah," you reply, pulling one earphone out, "They're really good." He nods, still grinning, while you're still sifting through scenarios in your mind for where you could possibly have seen him before. "Have we met before? You seem familiar." He flushes slightly, obviously hiding something, but shakes his head, sticking a hand out, "I don't think so. I'm Niall." You take it, his skin warm and rough, callouses on his fingers. "(Y/N)." "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." You nod, smiling, loving the way your name rolls off his tongue, "It's nice to meet you, too."

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