Ch•4- This is my Life now

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      "Well, here it is" Pepper opened the car door for me and extended her hand to a the massive house that sat on the ledge of a rocky cliff. Its grand stature nearly took my breath away. Happy had parked in a paved, circular driveway, surrounded by bushes and wilted flowers that haven't been watered in awhile. I pressed my face to the window of the car, fogging up the glass with my breath.

       There was a tall cement and silver statue at the center of the circle, and up the long flight of stairs was the mansion. It was a huge white and glass structure, sitting over the Pacific Ocean. Palm trees dotted the perimeter, swaying lightly in the breeze. I adjusted the book-bag strap on my shoulder nervously. The president could live here if he wanted to.

  I opened the door of the car and stepped out onto the patio driveway. A light wind blew around the yard, cascading my brunette hair around my face. I brushed the hair from my eyes and smiled. Pepper gave me a hopeful glance before leading me up the stairs to the front door.

      I go from my drafty and cold 2 bedroom apartment in D.C., to a celebrities mansion in that middle of Malibu, California.
Not bad, not bad at all.

    Tony slammed the passenger door behind him, making me jump at the sudden noise "Good to be home" he mumbled, handing his bag to Pepper. She grunted, taking yet another bag in her already full hands.

      "Now Jessi, we cleared out a room just for you upstairs" Pepper smiled, taking my other bag in her hands. She started up the stairs that led to the front door of the house. It was intimidating to even approach the home, my little legs were tired by the time I climbed the entire flight of stairs. When I walked in the house, a blue webbed light scanned my body up and down. I lifted my arms up half way in the air as it proceeded to scan me.

     What was this all about? It's not like I have any weapons or anything on me, I'm only nine! The only weapon I could possibly have is a nerf gun "That's Jarvis, he's the homes computer" Pepper clarified, I darted my eyes to her "He's just scanning to see who you are and if you're dangerous"

        The computer finished its scan of me "Welcome home, Mr. Stark, and two guests, Miss. Potts and... someone I do not recognize" I jumped at the sound of the British voice that spoke from nowhere. Is the computer talking? Computers do that now? What's next, they'll come alive and try to take over the world?

      "Wait a minute" Tony paused suddenly in his tracks, Pepper almost smacked into his body "Miss. Potts, you said that you cleared out a room? What room are you talking about?"


      "It's not much, I didn't exactly know how to style your room, but it will do" Pepper set my luggage down on the king sized bed. I followed after her, feeling my jaw drop at the sight.

      "Oh my Gosh" I gasped, turning my body around to get a 360 view. The carpet was white and fuzzy with sky blue walls. A purple bed sat next to a window that took up the whole wall "Look at this view" I ran to the window and pressed my face to the glass. Nothing but ocean for as far as the eye can see. Seagulls danced lazily around the blue sky. I turned back to the room. A desk sat polished and clean at the side, a nightstand with a stereo stood right next to my bed. Beside me was a door, so I opened it up "OH WOW" I smiled brightly and walked in.

       There was nothing in the closet yet, but that would for sure change soon "This is huge!" I closed the door and admired the framed beach paintings on the wall around the room. A variety of books lined the bookshelves, a laptop sat on a table near the closet door. All of this?
For me?!

"God" I heard an annoyed voice come from the front door of the room "Not my band room!"

"You don't even play an instrument" Pepper whispered, annoyed with her Boss's attitude.

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