Ch•16- I Need You

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    "Tony?" Rhodey called nervously as he entered the billionaires mansion. The sky was pitch black and so was the inside of the house. Rhodey could only hear the trickling noise of the water-wall in the living room "Tony?!" He called again, heading down the stairs to the workshop.

    As soon as Rhodey stepped inside the shop, he saw his lifelong friend laying on the floor "Tony? Tony!" He shouted and ran to Tony who laid weak on the floor and turned him over "Tony open your eyes! Tony! You okay?" Rhodey turned him over so he could look at his face.

    Tony's face was still pale, but not as bad as before. His strength was slowly returning as the new ARC reactor in his chest started to take control.

"Jessi, Pepper? Where are they?!" Tony gasped, gripping Rhodey's shoulders.

    "Pepper, she's fine. She's with five agents. They're about to arrest Obadiah, and what about Jessi? Isn't she here?" Rhodey bent down beside Tony who still sat on the floor.

    "No" Tony rubbed his eyes, ashamed of himself for letting Obadiah take her right before his eyes "Obadiah came and took her. He's going to kill her, Rhodey" his voice cracked as he spoke. Tony didn't mean all of those things that he said to Jessi before

    Obadiah came and took her away from him. He was frustrated with himself because of how he treated her earlier in the workshop. He said things that he now utterly regrets. He took his anger out on that innocent girl.

    "Don't worry" Rhodey assured "there are five agents going to get him now"

   Tony glared at the Iron suit that stood across the workshop, his eyes hardening "That's not going to be enough"


Jessi's POV

     "I'm not going to kill you, not yet at least" Obadiah led me down the hallway to a lab of his very own. We passed by a very large ARC reactor lookin' machine as we went. I gulped hard as I trudged passed the glowing reactor. So this is what he's working on...? I honestly wasn't paying much attention to Obadiah, even though he could kill me at any moment.

"Why not?" I mumbled.

     "Because killing you quick won't mean anything, but killing you slowly..." JEsus he sounded like a horror movie guy.

    I angrily tugged my arm away from his grasp. In return, Obadiah struck my face with his fist.
I stumbled to the side as shock took over my body. I've never been hit like that before. My bottom lip began to tremble "Shut your goddamn mouth" he cursed, dragging me down the hallway.

    "Let go of me!" I yelled, punching and kicking as hard as I could. He was too strong for me to take alone. Heck I'm only nine. Pepper nor Dad had signed me up for selfdefense classes. Now, I'm defenseless.

     Obadiah smirked down at me and shoved me into a dark, cramped room full of junk.
My fighting back was halted by a familiar sight. A giant, grey suit with a bulky body hung by thick chains in the air. It's face had rectangle eye holes with a long mouth. The head curved like an oval, and the circle in the chest was empty. Dad's reactor was probably going to fit in there, that's why Obadiah stole it and left Dad to die.

I backed up until my hip hit the table behind me. Obadiah folded his arms across his chest.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked, looking down to me.

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