Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hey, beautiful," Ryan greeted me as I opened my bedroom door. I slightly jumped back in surprise because I did not expect him there as soon I opened my door. He was casually leaning against the door frame, and he chuckled when he saw me jump back. "Scared you?" he murmured, before leaning down and leaving a soft kiss on my lips. The kiss made my feel all giddy inside, but I didn't show it.

"Get ready, or else we'll be late. And we don't want Nate to jump on your back again, do we?" he said as he chuckled. I shook my head, "Please, no."

I can vaguely remember Nate jumping on my back almost chocking me. I did not want a repeat of that.

"Please let's go," I said and shrugged my jacket on. He followed me to his car and we hopped in, ready to go bowling.


"In. Your. Face!" I shouted at Ryan and his team as I jumped and high-fived my teammates in triumph.

Daniella, Holly, Evan, Seb and I won against Ryan, Nate, Emily, Chloe and Mason. Yes, Mason decided to join us for the evening.

"Yeah, yeah. Winning a bowling game, big deal," Ryan muttered. I stuck my tongue out at him, as he mimicked my action.

We situated ourselves in a McDonald's store nearby, and ordered our desired food. Mason left for home. I ordered a small mocha frappe and a cheeseburger. I dug in as soon as my burger was ready. Boy, winning a bowling game drained quite the energy.

I smirked as I thought of my victory against Ryan. "Thinking of the game?" he asked, snapping me out of my victory thoughts. I nodded with a half-smile.

Ryan was sitting right beside me, and Chloe on my other side. Ryan suddenly took his phone out, and nudged me on the arm and motioned towards his phone with his head. I looked at his phone and he had the camera app on. He was silently asking me to take a picture. I answered with a smile, saying yes.

I posed for the camera with my frappe straw in my mouth, and Ryan was grinning at the camera.

"Aw look at the lovebirds!" Chloe exclaimed out of nowhere. The next thing I knew, we all were taking pictures together.

We continued eating and chatting while Chloe and Holly kept gushing about how many adorable babies Ryan and I would make, which, let me tell you, made me blush furiously, specially as Ryan was situated right beside me and could hear everything they were saying.

"Would you guys shut the hell up?!" I whisper-yelled to them. They both giggled, "Nope," Chloe answered.

"Hazel eyes, dark blonde hair, s-"
"Okay!" I cut Holly off. "That's enough," I covered with an awkward laugh.

"It's okay, babe," Ryan whispered in my ear as he rubbed my back, it did soothe me. I covered my face in the palm of my hands to hide my blushing face. All my friends at the table were now laughing at me, as I scowled at them. "You're all evil," I muttered to them.

After that very interesting situation, we decided to end the day there. I bid goodbye to all my friends, and almost squeezed the life out of Chloe and Holly in frustration when I went to hug them. Then, Ryan and I drove home.

"Let's make babies," he blurted out of nowhere, sounding dead serious. I stared at him wide eyed, "Excuse me?" He glanced at me, then looked back at the road in front, "You heard me, let's make babies," he repeated, only this time, with a smirk.

An invisible smirk came onto my face, as I brought a look of lust in my eyes, "Sure, babe. Let's make babies." He glanced at me with wide eyes. I continued, however, "I want hazel eyed, dark blonde haired children walking around our house soon. Why, don't you, babe?" I purred and put my hand on his thigh. He looked down at my hand.

I saw him gulp, "Wh-what's wrong with you, Riles?"
I smirked, visibly this time, "Hah! Didn't think I'd say that, now, did ya'?"

He breathed out a sigh of relief, "Oh my god, Riley. Please don't ever do that." I laughed, clutching to my stomach. "You're face... priceless!"

He scowled, "Shut up."

We reached home soon after that. Ryan parked the car in the driveway, and from my vision, I saw a man standing in our front porch, waiting. I squinted to see the man's face, but it was too dark to see. "Who's he?" Ryan asked, looking at the man's silhouette. I shrugged, "I don't know," I replied quietly. I stepped out of the car as Ryan killed the engine. I neared to the man, "Hello," I said. The man turned towards me, and my stomach dropped, not in a good way. "Wh-what are y-you doing here?" I was able to shakily get it out. "Nice to see you not running away, Riley." Hearing his voice made fear creep into my mind. Hearing his voice after so many years had shivers run up and down my spine, again, not in a good way. Hearing his voice reminded me of all the memories I had tried so hard to bury down, to conceal. My hands trembled as I started to back up slowly. My back slammed against a hard chest. I instantly turned around, knowing it was Ryan. His arms held me strongly against his chest, and I welcome the comfort I was receiving. I sobbed in his chest, while I could feel his cold icy glare to the man infront of us.

"Why are you here?" Ryan asked him in a stern, demanding voice.
I broke contact with his chest, and crept behind his back to hide myself from that ruthless man. I peeked from over Ryan's shoulder. He looked the same, except older. A tear escaped my eye
as the memories felt so alive, and vivid.

John chuckled humorless, "That's none of your business, boy. I don't know who you are, who are you to her?"
"I'm her boyfriend," Ryan answered with proudness in his voice. Despite the situation in hand, I couldn't help but feel the flutters in my stomach at how proud Ryan sounded.

John scowled deeply, fury in his eyes, "Boy, stay away from her," he warned.
"Get out of here," Ryan said as he ignored his threat. When John didn't move, Ryan stomped over to him and held him by the collar, bringing him closer. "If you dare to hurt Riley, I will make sure you don't see daylight ever again." He threw him over to the side, away from our house exterior, "Get the hell out of here. If I see you around her again, I won't hesitate to call 911."

I watched all of this in silence, too stunned to move. Ryan came back to me and looked me in dead in the eye as he gripped my hand. "Cmon," he said, barely a whisper. He took me inside and sat me on the living room couch, as he knelt down infront of me. "Riley, please stop crying. I will make sure he doesn't come near you again," he paused as he watched my face, "Do you trust me?" he asked. I looked in his eyes, and nodded, not trusting my voice at this point. "Then believe me." I nodded once more, and he took a seat next to me. I laid my head down on his lap and readjusted my body for comfort. He stroked my hair until my eyes felt heavy, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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