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Clarke's POV

Clarke was having the only decent dream she had had in years when it suddenly stopped and she felt herself waking up. Something was tickling her nose.

She opened one eye and saw that that "something" was a strand of Lexa's brown curls that Clarke had accidentally run into. Smiling, Clarke buried her face deeper into Lexa's hair and breathed in her scent. She listened to Lexa's breathing for another few minutes before Lexa spoke up.

"Did you sleep well, Clarke?" Lexa asked.

"How did you know I was awake?" Clarke sat up, looking down at Lexa in confusion. Her eyes appeared to still be closed, but Clarke could see that one was peeking slightly over at her while a smirk spread across her face.

"I've been awake the past thirty minutes." Lexa stated. "I would've moved, but I didn't want to wake you."

"Don't we have to meet with the Skaikru?" Clarke groaned into Lexa's hair before lifted herself up in the bed, pushing the blankets back and dangling her feet over the side. Lexa sat up beside her and rested her head on Clarke's shoulder from behind.

"Not yet."

Clarke smirked, but still pushed herself off the bed and backed away from Lexa, grabbing her armor and throwing it over her shoulders. She heard Lexa flop back down and sigh heavily, trying to get Clarke's attention. She turned on her heel, looking at the overly dramatic Commander sprawled out across her bed.

"Come on, Lexa." Clarke reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling lightly. "We have to make an appearance for breakfast."

Clarke could see the small rays of sunlight filtering in through the tent. Breakfast was always served at dawn. From the intensity of the light, it was already past that.

Lexa sighed heavily and sat up, putting on her armor and weapons, same as Clarke. When they were both presentable, they left the tent together and headed to the dining tents set up a few tents over. They sat down at a table together with two bowls of fruit and meat.

For the first few minutes, they didn't speak, just sat beside each other silently eating their breakfast. Clarke was about to say something, but to her surprise, Lexa spoke up. "You know, Clarke," she started, speaking in Trigedasleng. She looked up at Clarke with a small smile, "Kidnapping you was the best decision I ever made."

"For a second I thought you were going to say something romantic." Clarke shook her head in amusement.

Their smiles vanished when Indra approached their table, a frown spread across her features. "Heda, she started, "The Skaikru have arrived." Lexa nodded, standing up from her seat and motioning for Clarke to follow.

They made their way out of the dining tent, Lexa at the head of their small group as she led them to the war room. When they walked in, the Skaikru were already crowded around the large table that sat in the middle. Clarke spotted Octavia and gave her a curt nod before taking her spot beside the Commander.

"Commander," Clarke's mother started, "If you'll let us start the meeting, we have some ideas."

"Go ahead." Lexa nodded, looking between the Sky People as she waited for one of them to start.

A Commander and a PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now