Fate of the Mountain Men

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Lexa's POV

"No," Abby looked over at Clarke like she barely recognized her. "You can't-"

"We're not giving him a trial, mom!" Clarke raised her voice. "That man, along with most everyone in this Mountain, did various evil acts to me, to my people, to your people. Those who helped us... I understand not wanting to hurt them, but in the end, they're guilty. They knew what they were doing by accepting the blood of our people, and they did nothing to stop it- nothing to change it!"

"Some of them aren't as guilty as others-"

"They're all guilty!" Clarke shot back, earning multiple grunts of agreement from the Ambassadors. Then lower, she said, "Jus drein, jus daun."

Lexa raised her chin, swallowing. She didn't know why, but she felt uneasy about this whole thing. Normally, she'd be the first to jump to war, but Clarke always held her back. She'd never expected to have to be the one to cut her off from going any further.

"That's enough." Lexa said above the voices in the room, quieting them. "We will finish talking about this later. I can sense we may need a break to cool off."

Lexa and Clarke waited for everyone to clear the room before heading out themselves, but Lexa was not looking to leave just yet.

"Clarke. Clarke, wait." Lexa grabbed her wrist, stopping her from walking towards the door. "You're not thinking clearly about this."

"I am, Lexa." She retorted, "I'm finally back in my mindset after everything that man did to me."

"This isn't what the old Clarke would want. The old Clarke would fight for peace."

"Peace comes after war."

Lexa clenched her jaw; she'd been prepared to call for peace, at Clarke's request. She thought that's what Clarke would do.

"I'm not saying they all deserve the same fate-"

"Oh really?" Lexa cut her off, "That's not what it sounded like you were saying to your mother a minute ago."

"I was appeasing our people." Clarke tried to shrug it off.

"I want to get back at that bastard too. But taking all of your rage out on your mother wasn't appropriate." Lexa explained.

"I'm confused as to what this is about. My mother, or the Mountain Men?" Clarke questioned.

"It is about you acting recklessly and jeopardizing our relationship with the Sky People." Lexa said simply.

"You really think my own mother is going to turn against me over this?" Clarke's brow furrowed slightly.

"You turned against her."

Clarke's expression made Lexa want to take it all back. In fact, she started to, when Clarke just shook her head, pausing for a moment to think. She sat down at the table, placing her face in her hands. "You're right, you're right. Lexa, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Lexa didn't blame her; she would've wanted immediate revenge as well. But she knew Clarke would've been there to calm her down as well. "Should I call everyone back in? Or do you need a minute?"

Clarke cleared her throat, shaking her head. "I know what I'm going to say."

Lexa looked in her eyes before nodding, going to the doors and letting the guards know to get everyone back inside.

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