City of Light

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Clarke's POV

It started small.

They hadn't even been informed of any villages being attacked until a few days later, after the meeting. They'd been expecting Azgeda to attack the capital first, but then a man burst into the second meeting they'd started with news.

"Heda! Heda!" he said, "I come from Opeka," a small village in Trikru territory, "Azgeda has attacked. They left no survivors, besides me, to send the message."

"When?" Lexa gritted out, staring at the man as she waited for an answer. Clarke noticed the way she gripped the armrests of her throne.

"Two days ago. It took me extra time to get here. I'm injured." For the first time, Clarke noticed the large gash in his leg.

"Get this man to the healers." Lexa stood, motioning to the guards.

"Thank you, Heda. I'll be ready to fight, don't you worry."

"Take all the time you need to heal." She said, dismissing him. One of the guards escorted him out, the doors closing noisily behind them.

When they were gone, Lexa turned around and faced Clarke. She walked forward, stopping in front of the window. Clarke followed her with her eyes, until they landed on Lexa's back. She could see that Lexa was tense, and was about to speak up when Lexa let out an angry and frustrated roar, turning to the side and grabbing onto a chair. She flung it across the room, watching it crash into the wall. A leg on the chair snapped, and it fell to the floor. Clarke glanced at everyone behind her; they all didn't seem to be shocked by this, they just looked as pissed off as Lexa. Bellamy, on the other hand, was looking on with wide eyes. Clarke turned back to Lexa, stepping over to her and resting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, Commander." She removed her hand when Lexa turned to face her, wanting to stay professional in front of the Ambassadors. "They'll pay for this."

Lexa nodded, regaining her composure and stalking back to the front of the room. She started barking orders immediately.


Raven's POV

She sat alone in her room, fiddling with one of her devices and wishing she could be in that meeting, when a noise interrupted her thoughts in her bag across the room. Raven lifted her head, narrowing her eyes when she remembered the radio she'd brought along with her. She'd told Octavia only to call in case of an emergency...

She hopped quickly from her seat, nearly knocking over her device as she rushed over, grabbing the radio from her pack.

"Ra-" the sound came through as static, the voice on the other end jumpy, "-ven."

Raven smacked the side of it a few times, adjusting the antenna and messing with the signal a bit before it focused in more. It was still a little shaky, but she could understand what Octavia was saying.

"O? What's wrong? Why are you calling?" Raven said worriedly into the radio.

"Something's going on, Raven." Octavia said. "Something bad."

"Yeah, I know. Lexa's handling it." Raven told her, "The Ice Nation won't get away with what they're doing."

"Not the Ice Nation." Octavia said. "I need your help. You need to get Clarke and get back here. Now."

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