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Clarke's POV


Lexa looked up from her book across the room, brows drawing together in silent question. Clarke licked her dry lips and squirmed in the restraints.

"Lexa, please. Let me out." Clarke begged, throwing all the emotion she could into her voice. Lexa's face dropped and she looked back down. "It's fine; I'm over it. I don't want the red anymore."

Lexa closed her book and sighed, standing and walking over to Clarke. "It's only been five hours since they restrained you. Lincoln didn't leave this chair for a week, at most."

"But he took more than I did." Clarke said, tugging at the restraints lightly.

Lexa leaned down and kissed her forehead, stepping back. "Goodnight, Clarke. Get some rest."

As she was walking out, she didn't dare look back as Clarke tugged angrily at the restraints, begging her to let her out.


Lexa's POV

Lexa sat alone in her tent, which had been set up just outside the Skaikru's lands, along with many of her warriors. She sat at the table, swirling her water around in her wooden cup. She would've been with Clarke- she wanted to be with Clarke -but right now, Clarke was not someone she could be around. Abby had warned her of the things Clarke might try and do to get out, but she'd refused to believe them at first. But after the first hour of constant begging and pleading, along with several guilt trips and attempts to fool Lexa into letting her out, she just couldn't take it anymore.

When Lexa had taken Clarke to see Abby after she'd found out about what the Mountain Men's president had done to her, they'd moved her back to the Skaikru village's "hospital," to restrain her like they had Lincoln. Abby wasn't sure of what they'd given Clarke, but they were conducting an investigation at the mountain to figure it out.

Lexa didn't get any sleep that night; she never could, especially not after a battle. And certainly not after she'd figured out just what kind of torture Clarke had experienced.

The next morning when she got up and ate breakfast, she headed back to Clarke's tent to see her. She was asleep when Lexa arrived, her head slumped over on the pillow beneath her head. Lexa moved over and sat next to her, brushing a strand of hair out of Clarke's face.

She noticed a change in Clarke's appearance; she'd become more pale, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her face and neck. Lexa felt her expression change as she worriedly placed a hand on Clarke's forehead, feeling for warmth. She was incredibly hot to the touch.

"Good morning, Lexa." She heard from the entrance, and turned to see Abby walking in.

She spent no time greeting her, but instead voiced her concerns. "Clarke doesn't look so great."

"She has a fever." Abby said, her own worried expression crossing over as she looked towards her daughter. "It's a side effect of her withdrawal. It will go away soon."

"Hopefully." Lexa nods. "We're going to question the president about what he gave her today. I'll let you know if we find anything out."

"Thank you." Abby said. Lexa bowed her head and exited the tent.


Lexa stood completely still, expression blank as Lincoln stood in front of the president, Cage Wallace. He was on his knees before them, his hands tied behind him, in a room separate from his people. There was no reason to beat him bloody in front of them.

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